's Blogs

I have returned to thjese shores

Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 477 views 18 comments

I have been away training troops in Iraq to fight ISIL, i did my best but there hearts are not in it, i offered to lead them but was refused, so i have returned to the UK. glad to be back


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8 years ago

No question about it, the hostage-beheading fanatics called ISIL are absolute monsters, and no sane person wants to see them continue their murderous spree. But can we show some perspective here please? Experts estimate that the number of ISIL terrorists is around 20,000. They possess no fighter planes, boats, missiles, or WMDs. They lack access to reliable funding, much less sophisticated satellite or radar technologies. They are surrounded by enemies throughout the middle east region, and will now have to contend with Putin's Russian air force as well. The notion that they pose any credible threat to western nations would be laughable, except for the fact that this grotesque conflation of danger is the standard technique employed by imperialist elites to frighten their own citizens into meekly acquiescing to open-ended interventions and ever-higher military spending. And to what end? First Saddam, then al-Qaeda, now ISIL. Each inevitable quagmire conveniently leads to more of the same insanity, uncritically supported by faux-patriots, shilling 24/7 on the corporate-owned media. The voices of dissent are marginalized, lest they remind an amnesiac population that the "monster du jour" was often the creation of their own national security apparatus. Yes, it is a dangerous world, but have the policies of the predatory western powers, stretching back centuries, alleviated or exacerbated these dangers? Can we pause in the midst of our overheated self-righteous denunciations of third world "monsters," and dare to take a long hard look in the mirror at "Doctor Frankenstein" himself, and the growing list of global horrors he routinely perpetrates for short-term profit? As the brutal techniques of empire come home to the west, we might belatedly come to appreciate the lessons imparted by Joseph Conrad in 1899, that one needn't travel to the far recesses of the earth in order to confront our own "Heart of Darkness."

8 years ago

swiftjohn Have no fear, we in the Parachute Regiment do not take Terrorists as prisoners unless specifically asked to, any caught with weapons are dispatched, In my new role with this company, i have more freedom and all ISIL will be eliminated whatever their country of origin, and being gay myself, the fact that the way they they treat all gays when found, just makes me more willing to seek and destroy, look out for a tall blond guy in the news, it might just be me and thank you for you support, i leave on the 8th November, i will log on when i can, we must wipe this Death Cult from the face of the Earth or non of us will be safe.

8 years ago

@armyguy42: I wish you well on your journey. Perhaps by going private, you'll have the freedom to deal with those animals the way they need to be dealt with without the constraints of legalistic niceties holding you back. Always remember that they throw gay people off the tops of buildings. And should you happen to come across any from the U.S, please be so good as to terminate them with extreme prejudice. We over here would prefer that they never return. I'm sure our European friends feel the same way about those of European origin. Good hunting. Stay in touch.

8 years ago

friend tc peace bro

8 years ago

swiftjohn, Thank's for the info on that Mercenary group but i have found a well known organization here so i will hopefully be off in a few weeks, most of the members are combat vets so i will be in good company, i won't be here by Christmas. Thank you to all for your advice.

8 years ago

never go back to those middle ages.....respect your own en only life......

8 years ago

Your service on the wold stage is appreciated! And your observation seems to be echoed by myriads of others with first-hand knowledge. You were dealing with a culture that does not embrace standing-up for the Ethic of Democracy.

8 years ago

Welcome home and you still in one piece

8 years ago

welcome home

8 years ago

@armyguy24: If you want to go private, try Xe Services (formerly Blackwater). BTW, is that goat fuck over there even winnable? The U.S. spent $500,000,000 training what are laughingly referred to as "moderates" to fight and were only able to produce 5 ready to fight. That's $100,000,000 per soldier. Fortunately we ended the program. Just what the fuck is the matter with those people over there?

8 years ago

Thank you to all for your good wishes but i am now a Private Soldier and i intend to find somewhere where i can take a leading roll in combat, after all, that's all i was trained for!

8 years ago

Glad you're back and not a casualty.

8 years ago

I know your exasperations but unfortunately the politicians have put the screws to us all who have served. 'WE' no longer have leaders that will lead - SAD!!!!!!!! I left with injury issues. PRAY for our troops.

8 years ago

Welcome home :)

8 years ago

You had a tough job.

8 years ago

Welcome back! Glad to see u here again. :Dennis