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Democratic Socialism is a failure!

Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 731 views 34 comments

I switched videos because this one is 2 1/2 minutes instead of 4 minutes. That's about the attention span of the Lefties.



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8 years ago

Your PhD disappoints me. Strayer University alumni?

8 years ago

Nothing better to bolster your argument that democratic socialism is for nutjobs than by favorably quoting from the world's most famous democratic socialist. What's next? Tributes to the brotherhood of all humanity with quotes derived from MEIN KAMPF?

8 years ago

Yes I do. You missed the point. Go figure

8 years ago

Great quote, Bluto! You do know that George Orwell was a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST!!!

8 years ago

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell

8 years ago

LOL David!

8 years ago

It's pretty cool, the new video, though. The best part is that, it subtitles/captions all the words — as if its intended audience can READ! HAHA

8 years ago

Bait and switch! Good way to deflect attention, bud, get dozens of comments then surrepticiously change the subject (film) of the blog! (Sorry, surrepticiously means slyly. Sorry, sneaky-like.)

8 years ago

I'm not I've ever heard a more distorted definition of what socialism is. This is nothing more but right ring fear mongering.

8 years ago

Well I get the feeling he's just not very well educated, or he's trolling, or both. If he's not trolling, he's just talking about something he doesn't understand which falls right in line with the way republicans behave.

8 years ago

Bluto's last comment succinctly describes the contents of the space between his ears.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Surprisingly, I find myself in agreement with Kibbe's final statement. Elections are always about the winning side taking from the losing side. That is a truism of electoral politics, which is a struggle between competing visions of what constitutes "the good," and what policy choices will be most likely to make that vision a reality. The problem with modern American politics is that the leadership of both major parties take their money and their marching orders from the same plutocratic interests, and as such are both committed to a continuation of a disastrous militarism and corporatism, while employing Orwellian language and emotional oversimplifications to mask their hidden oligarchic agenda. This essential consensus among ruling elites has depoliticized the political center, and as the historian Jon Meacham noted last night on Bill Maher's show, this "center will not hold." That explains why all of the political energy of the 2016 campaign has shifted to the margins, Trump and Cruz for the Republicans, and Bernie for the Democrats, candidates that reflect the populist frustration and anger over business as usual in Washington. Throughout American history, capitalism has subjected our citizens to boom and bust cycles, producing a series of depressions in 1837, 1873, 1893, the great depression of 1929-1938, the stagflation of 1973-1983, and the on-going recession, which began with the collapse of Wall Street's fraudulent bubble in 2007. Democratic Socialism, which has been successful in creating the world's highest standards of living in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany, and France, is the only plausible path toward ameliorating the excesses of a Darwinian capitalism that has produced the most unequal distribution of wealth in recorded history. 2016 may be our last opportunity for peaceful change before the oligarchs complete their outright purchase of the American political system. Vote for Bernie!

8 years ago

Capitalism brings wealth to a few and poverty to millions

8 years ago

The right do care Superslammer .... about their own interests and NOTHING else.

8 years ago

Oh I'll agree there are a few problems with the amount of refugees taken in by the swedish government. But that isn't a social democrat issue. It's more of a failing humanitarian effort. Had larger countries taken their share, this wouldn't be an issue.

8 years ago

"National Socialism seemed great at first". Ok, stop right there. Let's get this straight. The term "National Socialism" is a misnomer. It wasn't national, and it certainly wasn't socialist. BTW, it's more known by a different term: NAZISM. It is NOWHERE near socialism. It is so far right, it is a fascist ideology. It's creator Adolph Hitler despised socialists, communists (of which Marx saw as an advanced form of socialism) because they were on the OPPOSITE side of his ideological scale. Hm, racist thought and a lot of oppressive rules are also characteristic of fascism.

8 years ago

Sweden is going to shit with the refugees rage

8 years ago

I moved from the US to Sweden 9 years ago this past november. I know for a fact that democratic socialism works very well. Bluto has no idea what he's talking about. It's hard to even imagine someone being a right-wing supporter and being gay at the same time. Without us "lefties", you'd probably not have the right to marriage, or any equal rights, or you'd be dead. It's like poor people being republican... I just can't grasp why. The right has done absolutely nothing to help poor people or even middle class, and they care nothing at al about minorities, including gays, transgender etc... The stupidity of this just blows my mind.

8 years ago

Your welcome phallussy

8 years ago

Thx for the insult Bluto. I'll bet your ass is jealous of your mouth because so much shit comes out of it.