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He's got to be a Democrat!

Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 413 views 13 comments



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8 years ago

i've always wanted a pony. hmmmm i wonder how far back in time he needs to fix or defeat isis?

8 years ago

Maybe he is the reincarnation of god old Abe Lincoln !

8 years ago

@PC: Yup, all the limo demlib bullshills are on PC guilt trips they want to lay on everyone else to soothe their guilty (two-faced, hypocritical) consciences. The voters (oink, oink) always get what they so richly deserve.

8 years ago

Think of it: everybody in America a free pony! And... defeating Isis by turning by going back in time would really work...! Oeps I forgot that time is just some imaginary idea in our heads, something wich doesn't exist for real.

8 years ago

Good point, PMPEDChillen. Maybe that's why so many people support Republicans, as you get much more shit from an elephant.

8 years ago

He calls himself "Vermin Supreme" to distinguish himself from the ordinary vermin running as Republicans. Even if this bozo is running as a Democrat, the only vote he'll get is his own. The scary thing is that the Republican loonies get the support of millions. That said, I'd rather vote for "boothead" than the likes of Trump, Cruz, Jeb, Huckabee, Santorum, Palin, Christie, and company. I mean, c'mon people. A free pony! He's got to be the first candidate in American history promising actual horseshit. And I would imagine that he'll borrow Doctor Emmett Brown's DeLorean to defeat ISIS. We Americans love movie sequels.

8 years ago

Yeah, maybe he is a Democrat, he is way to sane to be a Republican.

8 years ago

no, your just an asshole. but its ok you are still welcome here.

8 years ago

I don't see Bernice offering a pony!

8 years ago

And he is still a better candidate than any republican. Funny how that works out.