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Saudi Arabia Urges Need For Death Penalty After Sharp Rise In ‘Homosexual’ Arrests

Jayden Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 1.0K views 44 comments


Citing a threat to the “social fabric” of the nation, the Saudi Arabian judiciary is proposing the death penalty for men found guilty of engaging in or soliciting homosexual activity as well as “men’s attempts to look like women.”

Describing them as “perverts,” officials have noted the deleterious effects social media are having on their citizenry. They note the recent appearance of the hashtag #I_am_gay_will_not_be_deterred as proof of the potential upheaval this devout Muslim nation could face if stronger measures are not adopted.

“Some defended an individual’s freedom to express his sexuality, while most users said that homosexuality is a transgression and a capital offense. “It has nothing to do with freedom, it’s breaching the laws of Allah,”wrote” one commenter on Twitter. “When a man has sex with another man, God is trembling.”

A recent spate of news has emerged indicating the serious nature of the punishment people face when accused of anything remotely ‘gay.’ As we reported Monday, a doctor was arrested after hanging a rainbow flag outside his home. (He was released on his own recognizance, stating he did not know of the flag’s symbolism and only hung it because his child found the colors ‘pretty.’)

At the same time, Okaz, a Saudi Arabian daily based out of Jeddah, reports that a man in his 50s was arrested for making online sexual advances to men. While being questioned, he begged police to forgive him and said he wouldn’t do it again.

Combating homosexuality remains one of the major goals of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV), along with its campaign against consumption of alcohol and the practice of magic.


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8 years ago


8 years ago

HOW DO I CHANGE THE WORLD IN A LAUGH...................I dont know it anymore......so please HELP ME...............HELP ME PLEACE..................HELP ME

8 years ago

...and the intolerant totalitarian geo-political organization (Islam) that existed long before the U.S. does not register with some of you all becaaauuuuse you have an axe to grind? No that would be TOO obvious...

Oh, and I like people who are Muslims. The radical ones. As in the ones who are NOT fundamentalists. That be, and mean, the rare ones. Still not my fault! Lol! :)

8 years ago

Turn back the clock just a few years and the whole human race was just as ignorant and blood-thirsty as the people unlucky enough to live religious countries are today. The ONLY way to stop inhuman behaviour is to educate people so that they do not allow themselves to be controlled by religious OR media indoctrination.
The USA's hatred of Islamic people is the result of their TV's, movies and newspapers telling them what to believe (and which brand of toilet paper to buy).
Human beings are the same all over the world (apart from slight cosmetic differences)... any moral / behavioural differences are due entirely to the information that is fed to them.
The only reason that homosexuality is no longer persecuted in some countries is because of better education and the decline of religion.

In the distant future (hopefully not TOO distant) people will discuss how it was possible for intelligent human beings to live alongside people who believed that when they died they weren't really dead and that it was OK to circumcise / mutilate people without their consent !

8 years ago

"Don't be so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance."-- Bill Maher -- To be honest, I don't want these women oppressing, gay killing, foreigner beheading, suicide bombing, plane hijacking, jihadist fanatics within 5,000 miles of me. But if we're going to be really honest, we must acknowledge that when you repeatedly kick a hornet's nest, its inevitable that you're going to get stung. Radical Islam was an insignificant minority throughout the region in the decades prior to the discovery of Middle East oil. The absolute determination of England, France, and later the United States, to guarantee their continual access to what a state department memorandum in 1945 called "one of the greatest material prizes in world history," led to a whole series of very dirty deals with brutal dictatorships, the suppression of democratic movements, including the CIA-engineered overthrow of the democratically-elected government of Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran in 1953, and numerous western military interventions, right up to today's murderously indiscriminate drone strikes. Newton's third law tells us that there is no action without reaction. Brutality breeds brutality. After having made their native countries unlivable, leading to the on-going Islamic exodus into Europe, and driving tens of thousands of other bereaved and justifiably angry people into the mosques run by irrational clerics, the West can hardly claim to possess the moral high ground in this "clash of civilizations." The technical term for this shit storm is "blowback," the unintended consequences of our short-sighted, ham-handed attempts to control oil, the life blood of the capitalist economy. In all honesty, I don't know how the West is going to deal effectively and humanely with the myriad of complex forces that have been unleashed here, in ways that will affirm our commitment to the best principles of an Enlightenment culture so despised by the jihadists, but I'm relatively certain that I'll be accused of "blaming America first" by the more reactionary posters on this blog.

8 years ago

how sad. your dialog is interesting to read.

8 years ago

Thanks Jay. This is a war against who we are. We must fight back.

8 years ago

Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni were Iranian teenagers from the province of Khuzestan who were hanged in Edalat (Justice) Square in Mashhad, northeast Iran, on July 19, 2005. The case attracted international attention due to the age of the boys, and the claim that they were put to death for consensual gay sex.

The executions were first reported in English by the British campaigning group OutRage!, who claimed that the Iranian Students' News Agency, in an online article on the day of the executions, indicated that the two were executed because they had been caught having sex with each other. This claim has been challenged by Hadi Ghaemi, Human Rights Watch's Iran researcher and a native Persian speaker, who said that the ISNA article was titled "Lavat beh Onf." He translated the title as "homosexual act by coercion". [1]s

8 years ago

Of those three mentioned Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian geo-political system.

8 years ago

I would call to all people and all countries: stop thinking, feeling and acting out of fear. Treat all others (without exceptions) like you want to be treated yourself. These fear has allready led to the rise of a very right wing polictical party to grow very fast. They might even win next years elections. I am concerned they might treat muslims like the jews were treated in the WW II. The party for freedom as they call themselves certainly has many charateristics from a national socialist party. I am certainly much more concerned about them then I am about our new muslims.

8 years ago

"The great unmentionable evil at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three antihuman religions have evolved--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are sky-god religions...Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose. Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and that of his delegates on earth."--Gore Vidal 1992

8 years ago

Yeah, we could be free of any "friendship" with Saudi Arabia but Dr.Mora and the environmentalist terrorists will not allow us to be energy independent even though it has been proven that we can do so safely concerning the environment!

8 years ago

Thank you, nwg6018. I'm 100% with you.

8 years ago

All the more reason to find alternative forms of fuel. We're paying billions to that country every day for oil. very sickening

8 years ago

Jayden, thanks for posting this. This is exactly an issue that belongs in the forefront on a website like this. Sorry to say this Spankerdirk, but this is coming soon to a neighborhood near you if you keep letting in all these Middle East migrants (Muslims). Paiasurfer and Pmpedchillen I agree with you 100%. Shotaproxy, your comment to Mitch19 was not helpful, let's be respectful and not resort to schoolyard name calling. Dr Mora good to see you here...I'm quite sure you could add a lot more. As I have said before it is NOT any government's business in who or how we love others!

8 years ago

not only are they cowards but f.......g hypocrites as well, ask any rent boy or call girl in london who their best clients are,,,yes wealthy arabs who come as sex tourists and enjoy a drink as well.

8 years ago

@PMPEDChillen Howzit? Good to see you on here. Have a great Happy Aloha Friday tomorrow then after that a great weekend!

8 years ago

Every time you buy gasoline you are supporting Saudi Arabia and their culture, take a look at Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit - 911 when he shows you how much power that the Saudi's have in the US. We are lead to believe China owns a biggest chunk of the US, think again, Saudis makes like $1 billion a day off of their oil. I pray that when people are killed for what GOD had put us on this Earth for. that their transition from Earth to Heaven is peaceful. The men who carry out such punishments against Gays, Women (such as hangings, stone to death) are the ones who are truly in the wrong to take such actions towards fellow humans and to say they are doing GOD's work, GOD doesn't need nor want their help at all.

8 years ago

The people who rule Saudi Arabia under Sharia law are not entirely lovable. I made myself watch this program on PBS: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/saudi-arabia-uncovered/

According to the documentary the current system, state of affairs is starting to crack - young people have access to social media and they're tired of putting up a reactionary government. It sounds like a horrible place to live, and it should be a object lesson to all of us about the effects of religious fanaticism.

8 years ago

2016 and we still have backward thinking cultures that are so dumb.

8 years ago

so sad! unfortunately we live in these times. one thing i dont understand, is why don't the terrorists who do this shit ever show their faces? oh yeah just big fucking cowards! all in the name of allah! bad thing is there is a lot of those terrorists lying in wait right here in this awesome country of america!