80duck's Blogs

Being Mean

80duck Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 417 views 5 comments

I don't really post a lot, but I just read this comment on a video "YOUR VIDEOS ARE PURE SHIT...FUCKING RETARD"

Now I don't know which gbt-member that video belonged to, as they seem to have deleted their account.  I hope their action to delete their account,  was not motivated by such a mean comment. The person looked to be between 18-22, and that type of comment is fucking horrible, and downright nasty. 

FFS if your going to post a negative comment at least give some encouragement, nice body, but dull video, still harsh for someone stripping naked and showing their body off, but it's a damn sight better a comment than "YOUR VIDEOS ARE PURE SHIT...FUCKING RETARD"

I am actually enraged right now after reading that, please can we show people a modicum of respect.


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8 years ago


8 years ago

"Consider the source," — someone who would write that, is simply not a nice person by any means (nor very literate either).  That video, I'd surmise, would have 100+ enjoy its content to every crackpot-remark like that it may get.  

This is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in life:  someone has a bee in his bonnet about something ELSE, and can't get attention by directing anger the right way, so just lashes out at the first (wrong) attack-able person....  The consummate asshole, this total inability to control oneself.  

Keep posting, please;  I'm new here, but will check out your videos.  I try to let my motto be (I'm not always successful...), when someone gives me a GIFT (such as an uploading on a website), "If you don't have something nice to say, well just keep your fool mouth shut."  I also see there's a "star rating system" here, which is neat;  if anything, I'd rely on that, guy, not on any bone-headed comments by jerks.

By the way, does the person commenting, bother to make his own contributions to the site?? 

8 years ago

We do have trolls on this board from time to time. There is one particular troll that seems to come back every few months under a new name after he's been booted off. My suggestion is once you start seeing a pattern by this individual, report him to Nick and let the Troll Patrol deal with him. And your videos are good. Keep posting them and don't one sad, angry, sexually frustrated and generally pathetic individual ruin your GBT experience or else you've given him power over you which is what he so desperately wants.

8 years ago

Mooks, nimrods, and fuckwits.