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Whats for dinner tonightjQuery18206244603374313397_1470682786900

Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 485 views 10 comments

Try this!!!!  Put a chunk of feta cheese in tin foil, sprinkle oregano on top, toss on some tomatoes and peppers and grill it until its all nice and warm, then spread it on top of warmed pita bread /- a slice of salami.  Its incredible!!!



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7 years ago

Sriracha beef jerky.  Sriracha, soy, chinese mustard, white vinegar, 4 pounds of 1/4 inch thick sliced london broil.  Let marinade over night, then dry for 6-8 hours.  Outstanding!!

7 years ago

Keylime cheesecake.  New York Style, firm!  but still warm out of the over like an hour ago!!!  Yummy!!  Small like this one!


7 years ago

Ooh and i was telling little joel he should get some dolmadas and tadziki sauce too, they're really yummie.

7 years ago

Njoy w/ a tall, cool horchata. Healthy and refreshing.

7 years ago

looks yummy. Why not bake this over bread directly

7 years ago

It's 'for us vegetarians', Justin.

7 years ago


7 years ago

Joel, sounds delicious......omit the salami and it is a wonderful tid bit for we vegetarians.