's Blogs

Your level of physical fitness

Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 356 views 7 comments


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7 years ago

Something to consider if you're anywhere between 16-22 is that you're in a stage in life when your body makes staggering amounts of testosterone, which is an anabolic steroid.  If you're scrawny and want to impress the boys, it doesn't take much if you work smart.  Three times a week to the gym - one for upper body, one for lower and one cardio - come home and drink a protein shake and eat nutritiously and in no time you'll be in great shape.  The key is going to be to change your diet to emphasize protein and healthy fats over crap fats and sugar.  Stick with this two months and you'll be pleasantly surprised.  Plank for abs - trust me on this!! This has been a public service announcement from board troll and generally hated Ajoel.  Thanks and have a great day.

7 years ago

If you take a chainwsaw and cut across the thigh of both a sedentary man and a man that works out regularly you look in plane down its length you can see what i mean.  The sedentary man's limb has very little muscle and is mainly fat.  The Fit man's limb is ALL muscle.  That's the way you want to be.  If you were to look at the same thing of someone who is morbidly obese, its far far worse - there is a strip of muscle around the body and majority of the diameter of the leg is adipose fat.

7 years ago

A wonderful friend was asking me about diabetes so i decided to write this blog.  I put it here to emphasize something to people - its that of all the measures below, the last one % body fat, is by far the most important especially if youre a male over 40.  The reason is because diabetes is a devastating disease - the number one cause of heart attack and stroke, kidney failure, blindness and limb amputation.  This is because the sugar molecules in the blood act like globs of elmer's glue, and when they circulate through delicate structures in the body, like he nephrons in the kidney, the retina, coronary arteries, or the vasa rasa around the nerves in the foot, it gums up these structures and destroys them.  The reason % body fat is important is because as these gooy sugar globs circulate, they are taken up by muscle cells, taken into the midochondria, and sent through the krebs cycle to converet ADP to ATP, which is the body's fuel for muscle contraction.  Fat cells do not have receptors to pick up blood sugar, and they just float right on past, clogging up whatever they see.  If you have 40-50-60% body fat, then these sugar molecules just float around and its like a wasteland - your body is nothing but fat cells and theres nothing to pick it up.  Your physician gives you Metformin, a medication that forces muscle cells to take up more sugar than they want, and that way there's less to clog the delicate structures, but its not the greatest thing for your muscles over a long period of time.  The answer is to convert fat to muscle.  SO GO HIT THE GYM!!  ***** This has been a public service announcement from the board troll and generally hated Ajoel.  Thank you and have a great day. xoxo.

7 years ago

I dont know my numbers, but I run 10 miles a day and do 25 pushups everynight

Oh and jack 3- 4 times :-)


7 years ago

For me, yes to all.

BMI = 23


7 years ago

Can you.....(without stopping)
do 50 pushups
swim 10 complete laps
run 3 miles
do 5 pullups
plank for one minute
bench 100 lbs 10x

Whats your BMI?
Whats your % body fat?