's Blogs

Friends leaving

Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 454 views 13 comments

Sometimes, I am reluctant to sign on to GBT. I'm not sure what is waiting for me. Sometimes it's friends leaving warm messages for me, sometimes its messages saying I have left GBT. This week I've had 5 friends leave. I am a fiercely private  but a  passionate person. The ones that have gotten to know me personally know that.  I feel when I get these messages is that maybe I didn't do enough to make them welcome and comfortable with GBT and me in particular. I guess I have be more sympathetic to the friends that have to leave. But for me, I feel like someone kicked me in the groin. I probably need to get my emotions in order.


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7 years ago

I am also a very private person ( for my own reasons) .Thomas you seem a very sincere loving person, but the way I see it you can only help your friends so much. sometimes not nearly as much as what you would want to but I think your true friends know you for the type of caring person you really are. I agree, just keep on being the person you really are ( without getting tooooo involved) :)  .....Steve

7 years ago

i'm with ya thomas. people are like that in person as well. why don't we know each other?

7 years ago

I'm sorry I left you for a day without telling you first. I feel bad and wish I could make it up to you by giving you a foot massage and we could talk about the first thing that comes up. (Lol). No, really I do feel bad and I hope others you were friends with comeback. Hugs:)

7 years ago

You must know in your heart that it was not at all your fault. You are a really nice guy with a heart of gold. Please don't feel guilty, just keep the fond memories and keep caring. Hugs, Fred

7 years ago

Sometimes it is here like in real life. Friends come and go. 

7 years ago

Your feelings are perfectly in order - you are a caring person with a kind heart, the type of person who will always be the one that feels the pain of others the most.

7 years ago

gives you  hug, Scott

7 years ago

I am absolutely sure there was little you could have done to change what has happened. You are a delightful and caring person, but don't take on the responsibility for others. Just be you. That is reward enough for me.

7 years ago

You don't mention why they left other than to indicate that you may have been responsible.  Don't ever think that unless they have told you that you were.  It's impossible to know what is in another's mind.  99.9% of the time your guesses will be wrong.  So stop feeling guilty!  You're too good a person for that.

7 years ago

This shows you are a good person and friend. I really appreciated your support when I was going to leave; too bad, these other friends decided to leave but yes, just need to support their decision. Have a good Thursday my friend! 

7 years ago

Love you buddy. I'll never leave because I love this site