ucgrad's Blogs

Keep right unless passing!

ucgrad Blog Last Activity 4 years ago 653 views 14 comments



I'm a firm believer that highway drivers should be aware of their surroundings and not "hang out" in the left lane.  What I find particularly ridiculous is when people get on a completely empty highway and immediately get in the left lane.   Thoughts guys?


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4 years ago

Just Remember if you are ever visiting the UK........ Keep to the left. :) 

4 years ago

Its universal, in UK, its the keep left unless passing, but there they go..onto the empty motorway and a choice of lanes , "lets try lane 3"..?!?!

7 years ago

Michigan has sporadic signs instructing "Drive Right, Pass Left" or "Keep Right Except To Pass" on interstates but they are mostly unnoticed.

7 years ago

omg i get road rage when some ass hole is in the left lane and not passing someone just today i got the bird cause i cut the asshole off its the fucking passing lane if u are not passing someone get the fuck over heck even thought about putting a sign on my truck that says just that :) :) 

7 years ago

Amen! I was in training to train young drivers. The new law on Ohio its illegal to stay in the left lane.

7 years ago

I feel the same way about sidewalks and malls.

7 years ago

Driver’s ed courses used to hammer home the point that the left lane was primarily for faster moving traffic, and passing. If you weren’t passing another vehicle or traveling at least as fast as the cars behind you, you were taught to yield and move over to the right as soon as you safely could. Unfortunately, many drivers no longer yield to faster moving traffic. Some believe it is perfectly acceptable to stay in the left lane indefinitely, no matter how many cars are stacked up behind them, so long as they are “doing the speed limit.” But failing to yield and let faster-moving cars get by needlessly increases tension, which can result in unsafe tailgating and passing on the right as frustrated drivers try to get around you. This serves no one’s interests. And while you may be in the right as far as not exceeding the posted limit is concerned, you’re arguably guilty of impeding the flow of traffic, which is both dangerous as well as illegal in most jurisdictions.

7 years ago

this is one prroblem we have in newzealand since we are the oppsit keep left  exeapt when pasing we have had untold fatal crashes in the last year caused by tirednes and consitration

i now what its like i was 5 years in the usa

7 years ago

Agree with you but trivial and waaaay off point for a website devoted to boy lovers, no offense!   How about your opinion on foreskins????????

7 years ago

Totally agree. Don't know why they do it. Of course here in the UK it's the opposite way round.  It's now illegal here for people to "lane hog", but it's hard for the traffic police to catch them doing it.  While we're on the subject, how about lorries (trucks) overtaking each other extremely slowly and blocking two lanes for all the other road users for way too long.

7 years ago

Don't get me started!