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On my mind today.....

Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 596 views 19 comments

"Why?"   Why are we here? What is the ultimate goal of our existence? What is the purpose? I have been told that we are the only species that understands that death is certain and yet the human spirit drives us to excel in "Life". I don't guess there is no true answer to these questions. I am sure there will be a religious and scientific answers but I want to know your opinion on why you think were are here. "Here" meaning earth and life...  All I ask is that you please respect everyone's opinions please.


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7 years ago

life is precious, friendships are too

7 years ago

The meaning of life is existence. there is no past or future just the moment and if you are aware of the moment in a moment it is gone.

7 years ago

It's worthless to think about it, the human brain has not the capacity to understand it. Compared to the universe we are only stupid animals. Why are people think there has to be a reason they exist. Humanity is the greatest danger for this planet but we are unimportant for the universe.

7 years ago

Your question is so deep and difficult to answer that I will go with my mother's default answer to such questions: "Because I said so, that's why!".

7 years ago

when I have to think of things like this I tend to disregard the present day and look at how the peoples lived, thought and interacted thousands of years ago, because we are after all descended from them. If we go back far enough in time to a point before religion and deity's or gods the same question would be incomprehensible. Or would it?? Where our primitive ancestors, Stone Age man, was he just an animal? Or did he look up at the night sky and start to wonder wtf am I doing here?

7 years ago

I think we are here to learn how to love.

7 years ago

Man is the only animal that knows.  And knows that he knows.

7 years ago

Like @usainindia I think we all search for purpose. I think too often we wrap up that search in trying to answer the how did we get here. Whether by some divine power or the big bang theory and evolution. In the end, both of those are a leap of faith of some sort. Divine intervention requires faith. And the answer to where did the stuff come from for the big bang also seems to me to require a leap of faith. But that is not the point of this blog. At least I don't think so. For me purpose has always been defined around the idea or thought, that what you do in your life should have a positive impact on people, systems and the future. Whether it be that my interaction with a person leaves them with a smile, a new thought, a challenge or a new point of view. Or I am leading and working to change how something is done to impact others today and the future. Perhaps most succinctly, each interaction in life is like the pebble in the pond, causing a ripple moving outward, with the hope that those ripples create positive energy and change in what the meet.  Sorry for being so long winded, maybe most simply I believe I am here to create positive change and energy where I exist.

7 years ago

Well, that's an interesting question! Why is any living thing on earth here? I'm here because of a chemical reaction, just like a plant or animal. I do not believe in any existence of any type of God. Everything that exists can be measured - how do you measure the existence of a God. If you BELIEVE there is a God, why don't you BELIEVE there is Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost etc? It is a faith for those who can't understand there was no beginning and there will be no end - there is always existence, of some kind. Time is not a measurement - it is a set of reference points for the convenience of man kind. For me, life is just a journey while I exist. A journey to be enjoyed. While I'm on that journey, I will attempt to respect all other life forms that exist on this planet - except Flies, f'king hate Flies! And have fun - every chance I get.

7 years ago

when I am gone, I hope Y'all will still share the love

7 years ago

usainindia thoughts are good and I agree. But there is more....for example if life had meaning a developing fetus in the womb would always survive and still births would not be a thing. It's unfathomable to give life meaning then to snatch it away. One could expect life to be snatched away from a murderer to pay for the taking of life, but to snatch life away from a new born defeats any purpose. So I rule out the premise that life has meaning. A rather simplistic argument I agree, but I'm sticking with it......................................................The bottom line is we have evolution to blame in a way. It is evolution that has given us the intelligence to ask such questions. A couple of million years ago we were swinging through trees and did not give a hoot about the meaning of life. All that concerned our ancestors was that bloody big lion stalking his ass...............The future for our species in my opinion is to explore and colonise the Universe. If all life everywhere ended now and if the Universe collapsed and the big bang started again the outcome would be different. There is no plan, no blueprint, no meaning, no purpose. There only is........the one chance of life. 

7 years ago

My scientific answer is.... Everything came together perfectly and we are all pretty lucky, as you all know how I feel about that. We are 1 in 60 billion and those are some not so good odds. My religious opinion? I think God put us here to see what we will do next. I am sure he laughs his ass off at us, lol. We are loving, funny and really do some stupid things sometimes, lol. I think we are here mostly, to create some great memories of each other, love, and friendships. In the end, that is all we have, our memories. They say your life flashes in front of you when you die so there are your memories that you are taking with you. Pretty cool I think.  

7 years ago

I am here to help people, support them, I guess thats my purpose, I always wondered..................love you

7 years ago

I was put on this earth in my opinion to make a difference in people's lives that's why at a early age I decided to become a physician I want to help families see them grow and be a part of something great. I think each person has a path in life all different than others but this is what makes us work.

7 years ago

Read you bible dummy.

7 years ago

I've always felt that the purpose of life is to give your life purpose.