markihighgate's Blogs

VHS to digital

markihighgate Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 470 views 6 comments

A shout out to you techie guys... I have a large amount of old VHS which i want to convert to digital, obviously I dont wanna go to a professional place to get it done so I wondered what the best bit of kit I can get to do it at home. Really dont wanna lose the content, lots of old Cadinot and SB and Gero to name but a few.

Any help really appreciated.

And of course Ill upload the lot of it if i can digitalise it!!


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7 years ago

I have used a device made by pinnacle, not too expensive as I remember

7 years ago

What everyone is talking about is that there are combo VCR - DVD recorders that will take a VHS tape and record it to a DVD, look at Amazon or Ebay for these machines. But beware that there are also just players that just play and will not do transfers. The recorders will cost about $300. You might also be able to rent one from a rental store rents electronic equipment. Once you have the video on DVD you should be able to load and convert it to a common video format (.wmv, .mpg., .avi, etc.) on your computer with the right software. 

7 years ago

I have a Magnavox/Philips digital video recorder that I can plug a VCR into and then record the videos on it and then make a DVD.

Doesn't work with copy protected videos though.

It appears you can buy one that also has a VCR built in.


7 years ago

I bought this off ebay and have used it to convert all my VHS to digital .... its pretty easy to use and works great

7 years ago

.......wake up ....there is Internet...........