's Blogs


Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 368 views 6 comments

It doesn't take much for a horny wet slut who likes to fuck like a rabbit from getting knocked up.  If she's the kind of broad who refuses to get an abortion then there is going to be a product nine months down the road.  Whoever that person turns out to be, he does not owe anyone a God Damn thing much less his own Mother.  Mother's Day is about celebrating what exactly?  The diaper changing?  If you feed it, it will return something, and whatever it returns is a direct result of what it has bee fed.  For taking care of sick children?  Children get sick from a lot of things especially food poisoning, bacterial infested households, and parents who have more germs than their children could ever hope to have, so when it comes to caring for them outside of a hospital, naturally it is the person who gave birth to them who should have that responsibility.  The reality is that a lot of Mother's out there who don't want to go to work outside the home will poison their children just so they can stay home and care for them.  It's called Munchausen Syndrome, and if left unchecked could escalate into actual murder in some cases.  The ultimate reason to miss work, your child's funeral.  So are we anywhere closer to understanding what Mother's Day is about?  No, and we never will.  Mother's are made for making milk and feeding children without any strings attached, yet every single human on the planet is compelled to do exactly what the Bible says is a sin.  Coveting thy neighbor.  Unless you were born by way of  C Section, then you coveted your Mother on the day you were born.  Period.  It only takes one time and you're a motherfucker for life, and when I say life I mean life because you will go to your grave honoring your first fuck every year on Mother's Day.  It's a crock. If anyone had the balls to ask their Mother how good they were on the day they were born, and with a high brow, "Did you get off?" perhaps the reality of what a Mother actually is would sober up this entire drunken affair.  They say that you only get one Mother, the Mother that you are born with, but I have three.  Three Mother's all of whom have to be entertained, fed, and treated like Royalty.  Although they are all dead now, every year I am reminded of how much appreciation I should feel for what?  Where is Son's Day Anyway?  It takes two to tango, so don't be afraid to slap you're Mother across the face when she tells you she didn't get off when you were born.  They all do whether they admit it or not.


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7 years ago

my mom is the greatest person i have ever know in my life. and with every passing day she never ceases to amaze me with her caring and understanding of all humanity:) its impossible for me to express my love and admiration for her in words:) 

7 years ago

I love my mom..... I'm so glad she gave birth to me..... she did her best with me..... it sounds like you hate your mom.... or she hates you.... sounds like you had a shitty upbringing..... just because you think your mom is a bitch does not mean all moms are like that..... grow the fuck up and stop being such a twat