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8-year-old Ohio boy who killed himself never said he was bullied


An 8-year-old boy shown on surveillance video being knocked to the floor unconscious at school two days before he killed himself told staff he had fainted and never said he had been bullied or assaulted, a school spokeswoman said Friday.

Gabriel Taye's mother didn't learn of the bullying until her attorneys saw a copy of an email written by a Cincinnati police homicide detective in an investigative file that describes the scene outside a boys' bathroom, her lawyers said. The attorneys have questioned why the mother was told he fainted on Jan. 24 when the video shows he had been injured by another boy at Carson Elementary School.

The Hamilton County coroner said she is reopening the investigation into Gabriel's suicide. He hanged himself with a necktie in the bedroom of his Cincinnati apartment on Jan. 26.

The school spokeswoman said administrators weren't aware of the recording until days later when the detective investigating Gabriel's suicide requested surveillance videos from security officials.

The district released copies of a choppy 24-minute-long video that shows one boy bullying other students and then, according to the mother's attorneys, pushing Gabriel into a wall when he tried to shake the boy's hand and knocking him unconscious. The spokeswoman said it's unclear from the video what happened to Gabriel at that moment.

"It is our firm position that the allegations portrayed in the media are not supported by the video," the district said in a statement released later Friday. The release also noted that police reviewed the video and no charges were filed.

An assistant principal arrived about 4½ minutes after Gabriel fell to the floor, followed by other school employees and the school nurse, who helped him to his feet. He was on the floor just over seven minutes. 

Read more here ... http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/midwest/ct-ohio-boy-suicide-school-bullying-20170512-story.html


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7 years ago

none of them boys in the first min. even open the door to the gym and yell for the teacher's all of them should be held accoutable. just as if they hit him them self's maybe then more people would stop to help then. There is a bot next to me where i live his sister tryed to take her bother out with a big rock the mother put the boy in time out but has not done a damn thing to his sister. this type of shit needs to stop wake up people care for others more then you're self's.

7 years ago

Everyone else, the  bullies, teachers,  bystanders -adults and teens, got to carry on with their lives. While those like me don't get their lives back.

7 years ago

Is it fair that victims of bullying have to struggle for the rest of their lives but bullies can walk off happily? #bullying

7 years ago

A reminder of my own wasted youth. 


No one ever helps.

7 years ago

Maybe his home life was worse than school life

7 years ago

One of my biggest worries for our well being (not just gay) is the increasingly predominant feelings by many of "keep your head down", "don't get involved", etc., which seems to be ingrained in kids at an early age.  If we don't instinctively help each other in times of danger, it doesn't bode well for our survival as a society.  How sad for this child, and how sad for those who didn't help him!

7 years ago

Gawd that's depressing. What a tragic waste. So easy for all of us at any age to forget we're all in the soup together and should keep an eye out for each other.

7 years ago

it's sad..... prayers for all effected by this

7 years ago

This is so sad I can't hold back my tears :)...


Whenever there’s a terrible case of bullying in the news, people wonder, “How could this happen?” and “Why didn’t any kids come forward earlier to stop this?” There are no easy answers to these questions. In part, kids say nothing out of fear—because they don’t want to be the next one targeted! But here are some of the beliefs and psychological processes that can lead kids to turn a blind eye to bullying. 

Belief 1: “Everyone one else is okay with this bullying, so I’ll be weird if I don’t go along with it.” 

Research tells us that adolescents tend to overestimate how comfortable their peers are with bad behavior. Psychologists call this pluralistic ignorance. Adolescents usually hate to feel “weird” compared to their peers, so boys, in particular, are likely to shift their attitudes in the direction of what they think everyone else believes. Whether it’s heavy drinking, hooking up, or bullying, we can end up with everyone doing something that no one really wants to do.  

Belief 2: “It’s not my job to stop this bullying.” 

Psychologists call it diffusion of responsibility, when everyone assumes that someone else will intervene. In general, the bigger the group of bystanders, the less likely people are to intervene to help someone in need. But we know from research that intervention from bystanders—either speaking up directly, if it’s safe to do so, or informing responsible adults—is key to stopping bullying. 

7 years ago

I...I...just can't watch it anymore. The longer I watch the angrier I get at all those involved an weren't involved. Out of all those who walked by him no one thought to get a school staff member. Pathetic.