's Blogs

Lots of Russian influence at the White House recently.

Blog Last Activity 6 years ago 709 views 28 comments



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6 years ago

Hillary lost for several reasons. Her long history of subservience to warmongering, Wall Street based neoliberalism made her feeble attempts to incorporate some of Bernie's reformist ideals ring hollow with an electorate that already had ample reasons to distrust her. In an election cycle in which most voters were seeking fundamental change, she seriously misread the zeitgeist and ran as a status quo candidate. She chose a milquetoast centrist as her Vice Presidential running mate. In the last two weeks of her campaign, she ignored the anguished pleadings of her own operatives on the ground in the key battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and foolishly spent 3 days visiting California, where she was winning by 17 percent, and also squandered 3 days in Texas, where she had no chance of victory. For anyone as politically experienced as the Clintons to make these kinds of fatal neophyte miscalculations is amazing. I'm currently reading Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes book SHATTERED, the first of what is likely to be many books dissecting the 2016 election, and find that their argument about the corrosive effects of the extreme insularity of the Clinton inner circle to be very persuasive. The authors repeatedly demonstrate that both short-tempered Clintons valued a twisted form of personal loyalty over political acumen, and loyalty to the Clintons meant never daring to tell them something they didn't want to hear. Every mistake was always attributed to others, never to the candidate or her insipid message. To be sure, Benghazi and FBI Director James Comey's ill-timed reinvigoration of the e-mail brouhaha didn't help, nor should one discount the long standing efforts by Republicans to disenfranchise African-Americans, who overwhelmingly vote for Democrats, a scandal which the journalist Greg Palast has been writing about since 2000. All during the primary campaign, I warned friends that the thoroughly corrupt Democratic Party establishment would rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, as they clearly conspired to ease Hillary's path to the nomination. In doing so, they drove the youthful energy that polls indicate would have led to victory out to the disaffected margins. But ultimately, Hillary's defeat was caused by the fact that here in 21st century America, the United States is tragically wedded to an 18th century electoral college system designed to protect the interests of slaveholders and which undemocratically enhances the power of small, rural communities. Despite a plurality of nearly 4 million votes, Ms. Clinton was unable to overcome the inherent reactionary biases of our "rotten borough" form of governance. Unfortunately, nothing short of a cumbersome, highly improbable Constitutional amendment will prevent this from happening again.

6 years ago

The DNC lost big time! Get over it!

6 years ago

what you mean is more bullshit by the crybabies left over from obama time in office the number one loser we have ever had. and no one has the brains to see the shit he has left. other then trump. time for people to move on get over obama.

6 years ago

As much as politics has been a dividing force in the past year, we should be grateful we live in a society where we are able to express such polarizing views without the fear of arrest, or in case of some blogs, censorship. One has to be concerned when the WH announces that the media is the enemy of the people simply because it doesn't share its views. That is also where the idea of fake news was born- Trump has called any story not favorable to him as fake news so supporters will stick with him. His attack on the media is an affront to our own freedom. Reputable journalists have a reputation to maintain, reporting fake news isn't conducive to a successful career. 

6 years ago

Bravo Howard! I couldn't agree more, and have often argued that those members of GBT who are easily disturbed by political discussions should simply ignore these blogs, as no one is required to read every posting here. President Truman famously called politics "the hottest kitchen in the world," and advised that "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." He would have been furious at the notion that this "kitchen" should be shut down at the whim of the overly-sensitive, the ill-informed, the milquetoast, or the mugwump. Of all forms of censorship, perhaps self-censorship is the most disturbing of all, and its heartening to find another forceful defender of First Amendment freedoms here on GBT. This site is a smorgasbord of diversions and delights, and any diminution in the varieties of colloquies enjoyed here should be resisted strenuously. Attempting to create a false consensus through censorship is a fool's errand, and downright un-American to boot. And speaking of fools, isn't it amusing to be called stupid by a semi-literate, a character demonstrably unable to write a grammatically correct sentence, who evidently doesn't know the difference between the contraction "you're" and the adjective "your?" Gentlemen, I present to you the typical Trump voter. And like their orange-haired mandarin, "facts" are whatever they happen to pull out of their respective rectums this morning. This also explains their knee-jerk resort to invectives rather than countering disagreements with polite, reasoned argumentation. To paraphrase Bill Maher, and to give them a taste of their own medicine, what a bunch of "whiney little bitches." Of course, it can be downright overwhelming trying to keep up with the daily parade of new inanities and fresh outrages emanating from the Donald and his proto-fascist "administration."

6 years ago

Jase, while I enjoy your blogs and comments here, and often agree with your opinions, I must respectfully disagree about discussing politics.  The original post was a cute and "timely topic" subject that garnered some comments, from tongue-in-cheek to serious, but all stated politely, about a subject that is very much a "current event".  Then, along comes one person who has an opinion that differs from the general tenor of the conversation and states that opinion in a less reasoned and cordial manner.  When some politely disagree with him, most of us are degraded by name calling and insults  in his last post as he storms out.  How should the actions of one mad, and apparently impolite person dictate what we can or what  we cannot can intelligently discuss among adults?  Many walls here are awash  in inappropriate images of children, but that certainly doesn't mean that we should not be able to post images on people's walls because of the actions of some pedophiles.  I know the politics thing has been discussed many times, but why should many educated adults not  be able to reasonably discuss events that are very directly affecting our daily lives?  If one person acts the fool, that's on him, not the rest of us!  I'm pretty sure, as an educator, you don't tell your students they can only discuss school subjects at lunch break, because discussion of sports, girls, boys, etc. might cause dissension.  James two posts below are  insightful and so very and correct!

6 years ago

Lets start at the top kyle your a wonderful person and I respect and love you  Kisses my friend  Mophead whats wrong in our president receiving the highest Arab honor  Jasechase you can believe what you want and its not 30% its 52% according to the Briebart Poll   Zayden don't worry Russia isn't going to take over America    James PMPchillen if you think Trump is not capable of having a strong foreign policy and Obama did your part of the problemand Obama is why you don't have a job   Icecream I see why you don't have a lot of friends here on GBT   Chilipeppers same as Icecream    Voyeur your about as dumb as a box of rocks  I see you have no friends here on GBT now I see why. Thomas he didn't curtsy Trump is 6ft 4 and the King is 5ft 8 what was the king to do stand on a step ladder to put the medal around his neck    Dr Mora I can see the Liberals have pretty much Brainwashed you No hope for you  Its Sad your so stupid as is Icecream and Woodypecker another Brainwashed fool Snowflake    I turn on the TV and all there is is the negative Media in a frenzy blurting out there propaganda and negativity same as if I turn on the radio or read a newspaper Its all total bullshit and most of you fools eat it up.   I came on here to get away with all that crap and I felt loved here but no matter where you go theres always a bunch of Dumbfucks that have to ruin a good thing  I bid you all a farewell. Pj69  Pt100 Orvough Sam Kyle Freakhook and many more  I Love you Guys more than you know  BYE

6 years ago

making america great again - not sure his fan base would appeciate this .....


6 years ago

sit scares me that 30% of our population have trump on a pedestal and would follow him into the ocean if he so desires. when someone who seeks such power that people believe and trust him above all others (the media, evidence, the other 70%) that is how dictators get their start. there is a lot to come forward and hard evidence will be produced that leads us to a verdict. who will accept it and how will the others deal with it? I pray a lot for our country. 

6 years ago

Impeach Trump!

6 years ago

More Bullshit Fake News  I cant believe some people still believes everything the lying Media says  Trump beat the democrats now theyre trying to take him down with lies and Bullshit  Trump also beat the mainstream media and theyre also trying to take him down with lies and Bullshit  Trump is doing a good job but the media will not tell you that only made up stories  Theres not a smidgin of proof on anything the media is telling you not a bit of proof and why is politics on here anyways Im about ready to leave and go somewhere else .

6 years ago

glad you can say so without it being political. i love the illustration! has anyone seen mike pence lately?