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austinpscottt Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 386 views 7 comments

on this small planet in the universe, what I cant understand, why is there some people that want to destroy it, or go out their way to upset the equilibrium


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7 years ago

It is part of being human. You are either a good person inside or bad. Experiences in life sometimes causes some to be cruel and out for themselves. I have found that there are also some out there that if they are not happy then they do not want others happy. I am a firm believe that 95% of people are good and have good intentions in life.

7 years ago

I reckon that the amount of subliminal rage humans walk around with - simply from the terrifying, manacing and unjust human condition - is often hugely underestimated, although the amount of bile on the internet does suggest it. Although we learn to roughly get along and act in a civilized manner, deep down there might be a huge amount of unprocessed and unconscious anger that humans have just because of what life does to all of us in one way or another, with no explanation and no fairness, not to mention what humans do to each other, even in just petty ways.


So maybe we do have that 'death instinct', or 'self-destructive' instinct Mora mentions, or a kind of 'after me the deluge' attitude which makes us so cavalier in how we treat nature. Partly because of a sub-conconscious revenge against what nature puts us through, partly because of a 'well fuck it, I'll be dead by the time it all comes home to roost'.


What's most amazing is how people who claim to love their kids and grandkids can be so dismissive of how we treat the planet. Being a parent or grandparent should make someone the most keen environmentalist.

7 years ago

First of all, we as humans have no ability to destroy the whole planet.................For good.  It may take hundreds of millions of years, but the planet will heal it self and get back on track, no matter how much shit we throw in the seas or in to the air.  Secondly, all those Green Peace people, when they say we are killing the world (Note Above) why would they even say such an thing, when really they are helping all of us in destroying it, bu traveling in toxic spewing boats, ships, cars and using the internet as much as anyone else, what makes them good people and the rest of us bad?  Thirdly, humans have not been around very long at all, compared to the planets life span.  She (Earth...) has been hit by millions of tons of Radiation from the solar flares from the our star (The Sun) and millions of tons of rock.  I think people saying why destroy Earth are just not thinking...............I think you and others should say, Why destroy our selves.

7 years ago

one word greed

7 years ago

The ancient Greeks called it thanatos . Freud called it the "death instinct," and contrasted it with "eros," the life instinct. At various times and to varying degrees, most of us will have some self-destructive thoughts which occasionally lead to self-destructive behaviors. Who ever said that human beings are logical? Narrow, even disturbed perceptions of self-interest will often trump what Lincoln called "the better angels of our nature." Speaking of which, look who's President, for Chrissake!

7 years ago

An age old question, Scott.  Troubling to many, and I'm  sure more troubling to the gentle souls of the world like you!