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House of Cards Season 5...anyone else binge watching like I am?

Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 413 views 10 comments

The full  - 13 episode - season 5 of House of Cards was released yesterday. It's absolutely near the top of my list of favorite TV series and I've been waiting with bated breath for it. Finally about to enjoy a bottle of wine and the final two episodes since I started binge watching the whole season yesterday evening. Anyone else a fan? Anyone else been binge watching it?



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7 years ago

Just started watching season 5, getting a bit far fetched boardering on silly. Not sure I'll finish watching the season. 

7 years ago

That last one where the Nation watched that kidnapped man getting his throat cut open on TV, omg.  Am going to watch s13 soon.

7 years ago

@Absolutiment69 - I can understand people thinking the whole thing is way over the top. I kind of like the 'hyper-real' nature of it


@oap I've never really been that bothered whether celebrities 'declare' their sexuality publically and don't believe they really do have an obligation to do so. The only time it's a problem for me is if they're publically anti-gay and supporting anti-gay legislation or orgs while secretly in the closet. Neither of those is the case with Spacey, who I just love as an actor in any case.


@shotabo Veep is actually a show I've been meaning to watch. It does look really good.

7 years ago

It's difficult to watch any top celebrity knowing that they deny their true sexuality, it makes me not take them seriously.

7 years ago

My opinion... They should have ended this series after a total of three seasons. Dragging it out like this is not making it any better.

7 years ago

im otherwise occupied in alchemy and interpreting the next move mother natue will play to thawat my plans


7 years ago

Don't Worry! There Are No "Spoilers" In The Following Commentary!


Yes, political junkie that I am, I binged watched the entire fifth season in about 20 hours. To be honest, I really thought that the show "jumped the shark" of plausibility with its main plotline last year, and it got even stranger this time around. The 12 hour British version from the early 90s, based on the brilliant books by Michael Dobbs, was far superior. Barring the occasional "lone assassin," bringing down a Prime Minister in a Parliamentary system is much easier than removing a President under the American Constitution, and the rapid ascendance of Francis Underwood from Congress to the Oval Office always felt completely contrived to me. Kevin Spacey is a phenomenal actor, but the late Ian Richardson brought the gravitas of a gifted Shakespearean thespian to his interpretation of "good old F.U." As originally conceived, Francis Urquhart is a product of an aristocratic upbringing, while Frank Underwood had the rough-and-tumble childhood of a scrappy street fighter. Additionally, the characters of Elizabeth Urquhart and Tim Stamper were far smarter and more multi-dimensional than their counterparts in the American version. Not surprisingly, the British version also contained more biting wit. I look forward to having a dialogue with fans of the series and to posting some specific complaints about the new season in a few days, after everyone has had a chance to see the show. Once again Daniel, I'm in your debt for writing a terrific blog entry.