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Oprah got perfect response from Danish woman about their social welfare state PRESCIENT!

denf Blog Last Activity 6 years ago 662 views 29 comments


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6 years ago

the woman was in No way being self righteous she was been proud of her country america is not the only country in the world with proud patriotic citizens .


6 years ago

Oprah 2020!!

6 years ago

Wow Denmark a country that looks after its citizens ,I wonder if the plan to build a wall 

6 years ago

What Can We Learn From Denmark? by Bernie Sanders

6 years ago

The bottom line - what's going here, as well as in Scandinavian countries is unsustainable. That's been modeled to death, and is well known in all these countries by those who are paying attention. At some point, there's going to be a deeply painful reality check, like what happened in Greece. You can never borrow quite enough money to get yourself out of debt. 

6 years ago

LMFAO... "The Perfect Response" from who? Alrighty then...

6 years ago

Civilized. Something America is not when it comes to looking after its people. 

6 years ago

There are a mere 3 things a person needs to do in order not to be poor in America -

1. Graduate High School

2. Get a job

3. Don't have a child out of wedlock.

I do not see in this day and age that we need welfare programs of any sort; a rich country and plenty of opportunities for people to get stuck in and make something of themselves. Treating people like adults and not babies would be a great start in solving poverty in the US.

If I was able to start an export business at age 23 and make a fortune selling stuff into England then "making it" in America sure ain't difficult. "Doing" rather than talking or thinking about it is 99% of success

6 years ago

peace bro - look after your young sick and old educate them makes sence and is comforting - civilised not socialist -- sadly Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free means nothing now if it ever ment anything - giles