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1badboy Blog Last Activity 6 years ago 527 views 14 comments



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6 years ago

James, this is kind of what I'm talking about and Jordan Peterson explains it much better than I ever could.

6 years ago

Terrible dilemma, at best. General Patton was correct... for the early 1940's, that is. The purpose of a soldier is not to die for his country, but to kill the other son of a bitch. Or something like that. BUT... If a supposedly moral nation stoops to the same methods of its enemy terrorists, it definitely runs the chance of being blame-worthy and, perhaps, losing the war due to the loss of worldwide public support. The Nazis and Japanese were really evil enemies; they deserved to lose WWII. If we torture (non)combatants to obtain questionable-at-best information, are we put in the same class? My head spins.

6 years ago

I think Trudeau was talking about being prissy and a know-it-all.

Can't you just see him as a teenager? - hands on hips, lips pursed, seeking to "educate" some unfortunate who may dare to have an opinion which differs from his? can't you just see him aged 16 disapproving of his friends - listening to pop music, eating hamburgers, drinking booze? making out how superior he is?

So yes what I think he means is "if you kill them it means you can't endlessly moralize at them to show the world how superior you are to mere mortals"

6 years ago

My take is Trudeau is talking long term social structures and the natural progression of humanity to remember injustices true or perceived. Patton was talking about the short term down and dirty fight that has to be resolved with the guy punching you in the face right now knowing a lot of people are going to die but if you don't act and act overwhelmingly so right now, that all that other stuff won't matter. Trudeau is a flighty ultra SJW but he's a politician so you can't rely on what he says ultimately because if the wind changes or people start to color their hair more purple than yellow, that's what he's going to say to be Mr. Popular.

6 years ago

"If you kill your enemies, they'll only stay being your enemies." - Me. (Didn't vote for Trudeau.)

6 years ago

Oh look, landmines. :-)