lukemogdalani's Blogs

Please Tell Me The Secret

lukemogdalani Blog Last Activity 5 years ago 391 views 6 comments

Good morning from the forested mists of Washington. I trust everyone had an enjoyable night and for those of you on UK time, I hope you have an enjoyable night. Adding a nice tumble with a delicious man in the bed wouldn't hurt either. Hopefully they enjoy a cuddle afterwards. :-) The reason I am writing yet another blog, other then that I have the luxury of the time, is that I MUST know the secret to acquiring all of these various and sundried beauties to share with the GBT community. 

Where do you go to find the pics? Are there various sites that exist where you can download them? Do you keep up with blogs and websites from the denizens of the internet that live somewhere that boys still wear speedo's and have a great camera? I am fussing about this a bit because, how can I give back to the community for all the marvelous "shares" that people are posting here? Well, I keep hoping that some kind soul will take an old man under his wing and tutor me. I will try to make it worth your while, sadly however, I don't have much of anything to entice anyone with. 

Along to other completely unrelated thoughts. I have been considering a move and change of career venue. The simplified version is that I have the choice of 3 places where the opportunities exist and housing is affordable. The first is Birmingham, Alabama. Certainly a 180 degree change from Washington. Sub-tropical warm climate, four schools or universities looking for teaching fodder to feed the machine and beautiful houses for very little money. The second possibility is in Jackson, Mississippi. Still warm Sub-tropical weather, lots of nice rivers and 1 or 2 institutions of higher learning looking for help. Also, the housing is fantastically cheap. The third possibility lies in changing things quite radically and going to work for the Jeff Bezos cult in Seattle. Same climate as here, wet and cool, cost of living; similar to California, as in through the roof! Zero affordable housing unless I am willing to buy land in Olympia, Washington and suffer the fires of commute hell. That was the reason I left the Bay Area of California in the first place. I was tired of sitting in three hours of traffic each way to work an eight hour day. So, that one is probably slimmest. On the upside though, Seattle is full of gorgeous boys willing to take on a gently used "daddy" type. 

Moving here was a big deal. Now that I have done it once and learned from all the mistakes I made on THIS hop I have been doing much more research while never leaving the comfort of my couch, or bed, depending on what time of day it is. Quality of life factors are super important. For example, when I bought this lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath on a quarter of an acre in an idyllic small town I had NO idea whatsoever that I was moving into the bastion of the Old Apostolic Lutheran Church. Sort of like the Latter Day Saints in Utah, this church is huge here. They own most of the land, they own most of the large employers (highway construction, plumbing, contractors, electricians, retail stores, rental property, producers of electrical panels and sub-assemblies etc.) If you belong to the church, then finding a job is easy, heck you don't even have to find it, they will just hand it to you! (my such a rant) My point being I never would have bought this place had I known that. So, any future hops, I gotta take things like that into serious consideration. Current property values in the area I am re-locating to, and whether they are likely to remain the same, go up or go down. Personally, I think the whole economy will soon be feeling really wobbly on its legs again. Sure, it all looks good now, but we are only one sub-prime loan scam away from the whole thing falling apart all over again. The 2008 debacle really screwed me over big time. I had two homes in the nearly impossible to own real estate state in Northern California and lost them both. The ironic thing was I hung on F O R E V E R and if I had been able to hang on three little months more I would have been over the hump. Housing prices sky rocketed right back up three months after I sold both homes at a staggering loss. (oh my, what a pity party...okay, moving right along...)

So, here it comes guys, yet another request. Has anyone here had any experience living in the cities and states mentioned? I would LUV LUV LUV your thoughts, insights, ideas whatever...into what it's like to live there in general, and for gay men in particular. I can't see Alabama or Mississippi as being particularly progressive, but lots of the things I read on the internet about the "New South" give me hope. Basically anything you, or your friends might know about local living would be most welcome and deeply appreciated. 

As always, thanks for reading (although I can't imagine why you would waste your time) but hey; you don't receive if you don't ask!!

~~~Luke ;-)


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5 years ago

Thank you, all of you. 

I have read and noted, with some fear and a sour stomach, your heartfelt advice. If I have offended anyone, please accept my sincerest apologies. I know I have been running dangerously lately. I am so frustrated by the repression here. It is clear however, that I need to re-evaluate the actions I have been taking here. Yes, the picture is really me. The name however is not. I will remove the Avatar immediately. 

And, yes once again, the boys are under aged. What attracted me to them was their eyes. The color, the variety, the expressions in them. But, I can see how that could be read in other ways quite easily. 

I hope I will still be welcome here. It's been so nice to feel part of a community of like minded men. 


5 years ago

You are choosing two of the very worst cities (and states) for gays (or people of any minority group) to live, and I'm deeply familiar with both. Birmingham is a bastion of backwardness and bigotry that can't possibly be any better than where you are. Jackson, MS is even worse, and is ranked 50th in the nation on so many quality of life indicia that it's difficult to believe you'd be happy there. But for the daily rain, Washington is one of the most wonderful places I've ever visited -- and I've visited a lot. And heck, pot is legal there too, and it's good stuff! :)  How about a smaller move to a more open-minded area in Washington, or even Oregon, which is also cool? And respectfully (though it's difficult to believe you wouldn't know this), you really are jeopardizing your career by posting about your proclivities for young boys on this publicly searchable site (every post you make on the blogs is searchable within just a few hours on Google), and using your actual photograph (if that's you) for your avatar, which people could find in a reverse image search on Google or TinEye, and fairly easily discern your real identity. If your real name is "Luke" to boot, you're really acting in an unnecessarily risky manner, and judging by the quality of your writing, you're way too smart to be doing this. Teachers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, and even a British tech executive have all been brought down by their activities on this site, and with due respect, you should probably be more careful, particularly given that you're a teacher who works with young people, yet have young boys on your wall, at least five of whom are deeply underage. Obviously, if discovered, you won't be hired, or if hired, could end up in a scandal and lose your job. Just my two cents, for whatever they're worth. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

5 years ago

two : It's even better to kiss some Apostolic ass than the grinding misery of the street level South , at least consider eating one of those big redcap shrooms with white spots before you go all batshit crazy and take off for a more dangerous adventure . The political scene is to me of far more ominous interest than the financial & I Don't pay the News or the Interwebs any mind at all  , what sane man would ? 

5 years ago

For the Love of God and yourself man , if you can at all stay put do so !!!!!!!! Alabama & Miss. Are wretched impoverished states NOW with super high bigotry ratings . As an Oregonian living in Atlanta presently , I STRONGLY advise against leaving the NW . For the the aforementioned reasons , the South sucks shit , my regrets to Y'all , but by comparison it does . : (  I worked for that Bezoscult for 4/5 years myself & though they suck shit as well , if that's what it cost to remain in the NW , I'd do it again in a heartbeat . I know there's a provincial back ass end of nowhere feel to the NW there's also magnificent forest massive virginal northern rain forest CLEAN AIR,  hippies ! Perhaps ask yourself ' why did so many hippies who yet remain hippies settle down in the NW ?' . Fair to mention , I grew up with the rain , love it yes 7-8 months straight of it . I thought you 'd traded up just getting shut of Cali. I'd say , if it came to that , that growing a beard and squatting somewhere halfway up Mt. Olympia would be better than the South - I'm not kidding - in the event that everything continues to go to hell in a hand basket.....the South is the last place anyone will want to be , besides , worst case scenario, Canada is just a hop skip and a jump.....