's Blogs

Wet Dreams / Nocturnal Emissions

Blog Last Activity 5 years ago 845 views 14 comments

This is a topic that recently got me interested.

I've never had a wet dream yet.  I guess I must have started masturbating early enough.  I still haven't, and it's obvious why - I'm looking at porn sites. hah
I kind of want to have one just to experience it, but I probably won't be able to stick to a no-fap regimen.

I searched GBT and found one video that seems convincing.  I imagine it's pretty hard to be able to capture one on video.


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5 years ago

Had them from 13 until my mid 20s.

5 years ago

I saw one happen at a sleepover when i was like 13 or 14. It was just total random luck. It's so totally random, I don't think you could video it. 

5 years ago

Absence of wet dreams long predates availability of internet porn and all the other things owned by kids of today. It has for ages been known by them that regular masturbation, quite apart from the sheer pleasure of the act, is a sure way of avoiding sticky bedsheets.

5 years ago

So it'd probably be true that very few teens have wet dreams anymore due to the availability of porn on the internet and every kid having cellphones, tablets, or laptops.  LOL, can you imagine what school IT departments need to deal with?

5 years ago

I've never had one. I've had friends in middle school share a few experiences. from what I hear you wake up when they are happening.

5 years ago

My own wet dreams only came after a period of bad management of my masturbation.  Have a daily wank and I doubt you'll ever get them.

5 years ago

We asked around, but all of us started whacking off before puberty so never experienced one. But why would you want to waste a perfectly good O? We would gladly sleep through a toothache or sinus infection, but an orgasm? Don't know about that. 

5 years ago

well the code didn't post it, so here's try 2: