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Blog Last Activity 5 years ago 683 views 12 comments

this is the first time I sat down to say what I feel inside. I have had a best friend since he moved here. We were really close through a lot of stuff. His mom got sick, my dog died and some bullying stuff at school. I liked him so much that I decided to show him. He got really mad and we stopped talking. He was my life my reason to feel good when I woke up and now he hates me. There should be a way to tell someone you love them and know if they’re into it or not without them freaking out. Grown up life choice number 1: I failed. 


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5 years ago

Just bad luck dude some guys are going to freak when you reveal you're attracted to them, kiss or no kiss. Some  will  turn later many you can never get

5 years ago

My godmother son and I was best of friends since day one. Over time I felt to tell him I was gay which was cool because I find out he was gay. We continue to be friends that we talked about getting married. Of course his dad lived in Florida that he waned to tell his dad . His dad freaked. I got a phone call from my mom that the son committed suicide at his dad house. He was seventee.

5 years ago

Sorry to hear your situation.  It's painful, I'm sure.
Are you sure he hates you, or is he maybe confused how to handle the situation himself?  I think maybe give him some time, then let him know you don't want to lose a friendship over it.  Maybe promise him you won't make another move and apologize for the one you did.
Sometimes we like people more than they like us back, and it can be hard.  It's easier to back away than to discuss things.  A true friend will come around and talk again. If not, it's time to look for new friends.  Many can come and go through life.
Grown up life sucks sometimes, but there's plenty more to look forward to, right?
You have some sympathetic ears on the other side of the screen in a few members on here. (beware of some others, though ????) Talking can heal.