's Blogs

Single (sort of) dad

Blog Last Activity 5 years ago 522 views 4 comments

i made a mistake at the time and the girl I was with got pregnant. Everything you can imagine is true when your or her parents finds out. They try to deny it, make it end, make us end and when that fails they try bribery. Stay away from her and we will. Agree not to come back and we will..Well I owned my mistake and now I have custody. She is the one that flaked out. He was born early and has a special need but he’s perfect to me. I grew up a lot over the last year and I wouldn’t do anything different. I jut wanted to come here and say hi and that if you’re struggling with what you think is a bad mistake don’t let that define you. You may not see it at the time but I promise you you’ll get through it and come out on the other side alive and stronger. That’s all. Thanks for listening. 


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