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God is punishing Venezuela for Socialism

Blog Last Activity 5 years ago 543 views 16 comments

or something else happened?


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5 years ago

I'm not sure I fully understand the bitter relationship between the USA and Venezuela but the BBC News at 6 has just shown an interview with the top guy, the President, King, or whatever title he has. 

The news story included a clip supposedly highlighting the plight of the starving population. Two men were seen rummaging through a garbage truck, open black bags and taking the dicarded food out and eating it. Both men were wearing smart new clothes, one had a holdall/manbag type thing and was clean shaven and smart haircut, 25 ish, immaculate and not at all like the starving of other nations. The shot into the rear of the garbage truck was tight and revealed nothing else. no shots of the surrounding area, could have been shot in a studio for all I know.

I am growing increasingly tired of the bullshit propoganda of the BBC

5 years ago

If that's the language you  use,M........................., you're on the wrong blog.

5 years ago

To be fair, I thought and still think Mr. Barryballs was taking the piss as the title lends itself to it. He's shown he has a sense of humor unlike Mr. Uncontrollably and the ever unimaginable boring Mr. Icecream.

5 years ago

No, god is NOT. That's how it works. Why not punish Denmark and Sweden, too. Or is god racist? And what about our Social Security and Medicare and other programs? All socialist in nature.

5 years ago

5 years ago

thanks for it from denmark

5 years ago

denmark is us socialism