meh's Blogs

Circumcision, pube shaving, that's a lot of blade work. Are you pro or con and why.

meh Blog Last Activity 4 years ago 490 views 16 comments

I made a mild comment regarding a hot ginger who had shaved pubes:


Gorgeous Alas, gingers are so rare and when they shave they aren't gingers anymore. Please stop shaving, it's almost as barbaric as circumcision. The difference is you can choose to let your lovely ginger bush grow loud and proud!


Somebody took exception


you're ridiculous... circumcision is not barbaric.... to each their own. I would circumcise my own son. Shaving pubes grow back too... so your comment is really dumb.


And I replied

No need to be rude.


1. If an adult chooses circumcision, that's one thing. Inflicting it on a helpless baby is quite another. Interesting that in general the only groups that are circumcised are Americans, Jews, Muslims and some African tribal groups. Circumcision has become a fad among Korean teens. It's the question of CHOICE that differentiates barbaric and ok. Either way, coming from the uncut world, cut dicks are unattractive. There's a reason there's a huge world-wide demand for Russian and Eastern/Central European boys. Female genital mutilation is considered barbaric. Double standard? I notice there is a movement in the Excited States of America to end involuntary circumcision. Unsurprisingly it's led by victims. Possibly you're American so that's what you grew up with.


2. Yes shaved pubes grow back. And if our man in question had made and posted his vid with his glorious red bush untrimmed, he could have shaved right after and that would have been great:) People who like or are excited by shaved pubes are avoiding adult male characteristics. Essentially it's a mild inclination to child porn. Overall, it's unsettling to read a defense of lopping off healthy foreskins and shaving off public hair. That's a lot of blade work. There are sites of twinks with fake amputations, I suppose that would be a logical next step for people into cutting, chopping and shaving. Ridiculous? No! Scary as hell taken step by step. Dumb? Let's stick to the topic and not be rude.


I'd like to hear other's opinions. They'll probably go along these lines:

Americans will like/defend circumcision, those form non-circumcising countries or cultures won't.


Younger generation will generally prefer shaved or trimmed pubes, older generation will prefer trimmed or full natural pubic hair.


Interestingly, I was asked to trim (not shave) my own pubes by one of my younger online friends. I complied and now I prefer it as it's quicker to dry off after a shower and cooler in summer. So I may be old but it seems I'm not totally set in my ways haha,


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4 years ago

It always looks like cut guys who cam for me really struggle to masturbate comfortably,  hence the reliance on lube by many,  some really struggle to cum

4 years ago

Pedriatics associations from all european countries, China, Japan, India, South America, Russia and many more have the same opinion, "There is no convincing evidence that circumcision is useful or necessary in terms
of prevention or hygiene.", "Contrary to what is often thought, circumcision entails the risk of medical and psychological complications.", "There are good reasons for a legal prohibition of non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors, as exists for female genital mutilation."

The only exception is of course the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and for a reason: Money, plain and simple. American circumcisers charge you or your insurance company an average of 500$ for that unnecessary and risky surgery and they earn even more by selling the foreskins to pharmaceutical companies which use that healthy tissue to make facial lotions for women. Disgusting..

4 years ago

As to 1. in Meh blog, one aspect is not up-to-date by a long way. Routine circumcision of infants in USA has been on a steep decline for many years. In Britain [except for Jews & Muslims] infant circumcision has always lagged far behind USA rates.

4 years ago

I'm Cut.

Only do Cut

Shaving is nice.

Nice Clean Neat.

4 years ago

Circumcision is cruel and barbaric and should be ilegal. Most men circumcided in adulthood report a lack of sensitivity and lost of sexual pleasure, some of them fall into depression and even kill themselves. Sadly circumcised men when infants will never know how it feels sex with an intact penis. I bet if they could feel it for a day this mutilation madness would end right now.

And regarding the pubic hair thing, first of all you can't compare it to circumcision, that's outrageous and second of all it has nothing to do with a mild inclination to child porn as any sexologist could tell you.

4 years ago

Liking your partner having shaved pubes has got nothing to do with 'a mild inclination to child porn '.

It is, for me, a matter of hygiene and the fact that getting a pube, however short, stuck in your teeth when enjoying oral sex is a real turnoff.Â