Tadzio99's Blogs

Friend or Enema..........

Tadzio99 Blog Last Activity 4 years ago 719 views 15 comments

Some time ago I  had a FWB who I saw over a number of years. 

He would never let me fuck him unless he had douched out beforehand.  The only problem though, was that his hole was so incredibly velvety that I rarely lasted very long before pumping my load into him.

Does anyone else adhere to such a strict hygiene regime? 


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4 years ago

"You know what maxy, you be the judge of that for yourself. The rest of us can do the same for ourselves!"

...and this is how Stevie Anal Chilipepe shut the fuck Maxy's mouth! LOL 

4 years ago

Do you all douche into a toilette or tub?

4 years ago

Always. I don't like any mess or odor detracting from what is otherwise a beautiful experience. And after I douch, I always shave the area so he feels only smooth, bare skin on his cock shaft as it glides in and out of me.

4 years ago

in all my years I never used enemas--I got fucked a lot and never got shit on his dick--sometimes they would pull out in time let me suck their dick as they came  it was so hot --

I will say I did get shit on friends dick once but it was his fault I warned him I needed to use bathroom he thought I was being chicken so I said ok when theres a mess  youre cleaning  it up--few pumps later we smelled shit--we laughed  our asses off all way to bathroom to clean up--I finished shitting wiped my ass--when I got back to my room there he was ready to finish --we finished couple loads later--then I said now call me a chicken--we were 14 at time he had been with other friends just gave each other blowjobs but I was first he decided he wanted to fuck says signals I sent to him was like hey fuck me --hehe 

i never heard of enemas until i was like 19 and guys were using them before going out--its not like we came out of our moms cunts and had a tag on our toe saying i am gay before fucking make sure you use enemas


its an asshole it has shit come out of it--if get shit on your dick clean up and finish--if guys are so shallow about this and freaks out over it --get over it


i met one guy had a piss fetish and he pissed his pants alot---when i went to suck his dick it tasted like piss and he asked if it was bad--he tells me why it tastes like piss--i said not to bad--and few seconds sucking it the piss taste was gone--


rules though about cleanliness is --know how your body works--if going to have a bowel movement within hour or two --enemas wont do any good--it only cleans out so far in the ass --i have actually rimmed a guy slid my tongue into him and touched a turd with my tongue--told him he went shit and wiped and i went back at i t--no shit there now--

eating enough fiber keeps the shit from being so moist--i use stuff called pure and i took a shit one day wiped then stuck a thing like a tampon inside and it came out white--


also fiber cause gas so if getting fucked or fucking someone and air gets through --its only gas and sometimes air the guy has pushed into the bottoms ass while fucking him


4 years ago

@maxyboy what a fucking long way you made in just 191 days? who would say us that the young Lybian refugee who barely talked English will become this tribune with an opinion in every single blog? who would tell us that the young man with mental illness in a German camp for north-Africa refugees will become the self-determined conscience of GBT?

Did you think that deleting your previous blogs will make us forget your "history" and erase it from our memory?

No, we know who you are and the lies behind your profile, Nathan.

But, we have to recognize that your GBT course in only 191 days is awesome!

4 years ago

"Does anyone else adhere to such a strict hygiene regime?" Holy mackerel who wouldn't?!!! Unless they're into scat play, Jesus. Douche, douche and redouche till the water is  crystal clear then douche some more and don't stop worrying about it till the guy is done and the only thing you can see on his dick is his own clean cum and all you can taste on his dick is his own clean cum. I find it hard to believe someone would ask such a question.