red1844's Blogs


red1844 Blog Last Activity 3 years ago 297 views 10 comments

last night i had to remind myself why i quit drinking. made it 65 days without the fucking shit. man i feel horrible this moning! drinking is fuckin stupid!



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3 years ago

Good for the 65 days Red, don't let one slip mess you up!!  I spent about 20 years drinking some almost every day until  I figured how dumb it was. With the help and support of lots of friends I haven't had a drink of alcohol for over 30 years and don't miss it! Life is way more fun when you remember exactly what you did last night (and with who)!

3 years ago

Sounds like me with over eating and too much of the wrong stuff.    :(

3 years ago

Get back on the horse! Don't kick yourself or become defeatists!  It is worth it to keep at it.  It works if you work it!!

3 years ago

65 days then a one time slip is not a defeat provided you restart your sobriety and learn from your experience. I wish you the best, "one day at a time." Life can be great without alcohol and drugs. 

MY STORY: I had been sober for 5 1/2 years then had a beer while out for dinner. The following morning I woke to serious hives and a swollen airway, YIKES! I'd suddenly developed an allergy to onions, garlic, hot peppers (essentially any foods containing a particular sulfur molecule which gives them their spicy allure.) I might as well have been pronounced dead cause I love all those foods. So many dishes contain at least traces of those ingredients, therefore, I was in and out of "emergency" many times with breathing difficulties. Worse still, only extremely powerful antihistamines, (with nasty side effects,) would have any effect on the hives.  Fast forward 8 months: I put down the booze again and within a few days later I had no more allergic reaction (I can enjoy all those foods again).  MY CONCLUSION: the mind is very powerful and can cause and heal health issues. I'm totally convinced my allergic reactions where a psychosomatic response to my drinking. My mind was communicating through my body that I shouldn't be drinking. Funny thing the mind.

Be Happy, TTFN

3 years ago

Congrats and good for you for making it to the 65 day mark. You had a hiccup is all. Give yourself a pat on the back for going as long as you did and realizing how horrible it made you feel physically and mentally. Keep going!

3 years ago

,,,,,,,take care.......once a alcohol problem.....always a alcohol repeats and repeats.....etc......think about your health.....wish you all the power........