freakfrook's Blogs

The haves and have-nots of GBT

freakfrook Blog Last Activity 3 years ago 503 views 8 comments

With the introduction of the premium user plan, now we have two groups of members on GBT: the haves and have-nots. The new feature mass post wall comments is for the haves. Tumblr gives this feature free. If you reblog a post on your  Tumblr blog, your followers will get it on their blogs.


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3 years ago

I understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch

3 years ago

@msgboy1, there is now a 3 tier system in GBT

Tier 1 are the Honorary Members who are given free VIP membership in recognition for their contribution to the site.

Tier 2 are those members who have paid to become VIP

Tier 3 are those, like me - are parasites and contribute nothing -, not my words but words used by some in Tier 1.

3 years ago

I wish the site had gone down this road with a NON-RECURRING option


Have you ever tried to cancel a recurring subscription?, they don't want you to and make it very difficult to do so. Just wait and see.

3 years ago

i never pay for porn and never will there are other sites and they have the same stuff posted as this site does and then some--porkytube is a nice site so charge all you want--it wont see a penny from my wallet

3 years ago

I have zero intention of paying to use this site. Especially when Nick allows soooo much dodgy and illegal stuff to go on with next to zero consequences. I’ll just stick with the basic GBT which works just fine. 

3 years ago

But gbt doesn't have the content restrictions that tumblr has.

3 years ago

after buying a PS5 for my boys I certainly fall into the category of have-not the money, however I do have the boys