alanrodgers's Blogs

Fucking For Health

alanrodgers Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 91 views 0 comments

The Media are full of reports about the value of Vitamin D in fighting the pandemic,  Since our bodies mostly produce it from sunlight,  maybe we should return to the outdoor gay films that were made in California before the AIDS epidemic hit,  These were filmed in the woods, on the cliffs overlooking the ocean, and sometimes in the sand and surf.  But what was so good was that these sun-tanned young guys seemed to love what they were doing, perhaps finally free of the no-nos of parents and schools,  They were apparently joyful.  Happy cocks, happy tongues, happy holes.  And all of this was going on to pounding rock music which matched the ass pounding - Fuck and fuck and fuck. then fuck, fuck, fuck, then fucknfucknfuck - AHHHH!

You snuck into the XXX rated theatre hoping that no one who knew you was watching.  If you sat in the first rows. giant. glistening penises would be thrusting into handsome, beautiful asses just above your head, keeping time with the pounding rock music.  You came out two hours later in sheer AWE of the FANTASTIC performance - it was one of life's greatest pleasures and made you doubt all the BS that you were told growing up.

I think we need today's film makers to return to outdoor videos, to set good/healthy examples for today's young men.

What do you think?  PLEASE comment below!


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