alanrodgers's Blogs

I hate the word "unnatural"

alanrodgers Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 179 views 2 comments

I hate this word which is used against you and me by our enemies, who think that they are morally superior.  

Let's discuss this.

First let's look at the testimony of real gay men.  Look at the faces of any of the couples photographed having sex - use the full-screen feature to have a good look.  Do any men look like they're doing something "unnatural"?  NO!  Not one!

So where does the idea of "unnatural come from?  Because our sex is not going to produce offspring,  But there is something really strange about this idea, that is there's something unnatural about "unnatural."  Because it is considered natural and not sinful to have sex with a woman long after she is barren - unable to become pregnant.  Why is this not sinful but our sex is abominable?  Even casual gay sex is at least affectionate and I would say almost all sex is warm and usually loving.

Then lets think about the real nature of gay sex.  Oral sex is easy and even when a penis is very large or long for the mouth and throat, a blow job always works.  What's unnatural about that?  And a blow job is how most of us get into gay sex - it's always fun!

Anal sex or sodomy is a bit tougher because your first experience of a dick in your ass can be painful.  A great boyfriend will ease the process by slowly entering and just taking three to four days before going all the way.   But the best argument is that the design and "engineering" of the penis and anus are marvelous - they  fit together perfectly!  And the prostrate gland is like a mini penis that reacts in the best way to it's big brother thumping on it.  By good design and slow familiarization sodomy becomes a way of life for millions.  What is unnatural about that!



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2 years ago

Nothing that can happen in nature i.e. with living  things  in a natural setting  can by definition be unnatural.  I agree that the term simply is used by those narrow minded enough to  believe that they actually have a say in the matter. Unfortunately science has yet to single out the stupid or bigot gene. We can only hope

2 years ago

It's a twisted idea dating from the middle ages. all animals can be gay and lgbtq2, so these are no proven ideas guided  by the hatred of difference. And you're right there is nothing logical in these ideas.