alanrodgers's Blogs

My Almost First Time

alanrodgers Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 94 views 0 comments

My almost first was also when I was a high school senior.  I was in the band and one afternoon the director asked me and another senior to set up the practice room for rehearsal.  We went into the storeroom and I bent over to pick up the director's stand when my friend put his hands on my hips and "humped" me.  I was surprised and said nothing right away because this was an altar boy who I always thought was really religious!  But apparently not.  Anyway I was wondering if I would feel his hard-on through our pants, but didn't.  

A day or two later i was in the basement where I had a large O-Gauge trainset, and another senior  came by (I lived across the street from the school bus stop, so I had a few guys that would stop by to visit).   I knew this guy liked to joke about gay sex, so I told him about getting humped and not feeling anything.  I asked him if we should have done it in our "skivvies"?  He said that I didn't bend over enough and that he was ready to show me how to do it.

We got as far as dropping our shorts when we heard a car door slam and my mother came walking up the driveway.  (She  couldn't see us.)

I considered this a lucky escape, but I've since considered this an unlucky interruption!  BAD GUARDIAN ANGEL!

I'd still like to know what happened to my "religious" friend...


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