alanrodgers's Blogs

Another (incomplete) Brit Undergrad Story

alanrodgers Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 92 views 0 comments

I heard this in Cambridge, but I don't have any dealings with undergrads, so it's not 100% accurate.   Anyway, the story goes that undergrads had to return to their colleges before midnight on (Fridays?)(Saturdays?)(both?).  If they were late the gates and doors would be locked and they would have to ring at the Porter's Lodge for admission.  The porters would admit them but also put them on report.

Of course undergrads would try to find ways to come in late without being reported.  So there were some who became quite skilled at scaling medieval walls and gates.  But there were others less lucky who had to spend the often cold nights in precarious positions.  Those are the ones who are remembered.


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