's Blogs


Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 97 views 2 comments
as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
alone, swallowed by crowds, consumed by chaos,
crushed under the black tidal wave,
you ride into my life,
a blond-haired knight in a red pickup truck,
You dispel the storm clouds,
and lift me above the drowning wave,
to bask in the sunshine of life.
laying down in your truck-bed,
is like laying down on still water,
i gaze up to the sky and see stars set in black velvet
then you lie down beside me
and we enjoy the warm sultry breezes of summer.
You are a Pegasus taking my flights of fancy
to where Prometheus unbound breaks free
the imagination of childhood's dreams;
i find a brother's love in the soulful eyes
of my blond-haired knight in a red pickup truck.


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2 years ago

I liked your poem. Happiness and love to your savior.