GothicPrincess's Blogs

No Ordinary Teen

GothicPrincess Blog Last Activity 11 months ago 222 views 0 comments

One day at New York City in the apartment house there was this 2 ladies named Izzie and Jackie and they were both mom to a 20 year old named Zack who was a High school Sophomore were he was would study and play soccer games for the team The Wolf's as Zack got alot of popularity he didn't feel like he wanted it so much so he would be very nerdy and geeky and wear glasses to have a more inner nerd side. At a early age of 10 Zack dad left his life and over drunk to much and had sex with random woman and just never cared for Jackie and Zack while he was around so he left them and never came back so with that happening Jackie found it very hard to trust another a man so she meet Izzie at a flea market one day where she bought her a dress that was overpriced dress and Jackie wanted to know what the catch is like most people and only thing Izzie wanted is to take her out on a date and they went on that lovely date and bonded and fell madly in love threw connecting threw the eyes and getting to know eachother Izzie enjoyed helping raise Zack with Jackie as the day went by as they were very there for him and had enough money to buy a nice house to move into around where Zack was 20 years old.


Zack would go to school and wear his glasses to blend in with his nerdy friends he had made and enjoyed hanging out with by a ton, There was Dan and Jammie and they both had short hair and a very geeky look to there style and they were addicted to games after school. Zack would go see basket ball games after he hung out with Dan and Jamie he watched this one guy on the basket ball team of The Wolf's and he just liked how Greg moved on the court how he sweat in a game and how he was so good at the game he had smooth a very healthy body and some hair and lovely light brown skin.

As watching the game Zack cellphone would blow up with alot of text messages from girls and they would send him nudes and videos wanting him badly to win the next soccer game badly it really annoyed him specially while he was watching Greg play basketball. Zack came to terms with himself he was bisexual with him being so he had this super fan who name was Francine and she would always go to Zack soccer games and be there for him by a ton. Francine would cheer him on and be very sweet to Zack she wasn't like the other girls to send Zack nude pics and videos she was actually there for him. Francine  had beautiful blue hair with green at the end and very pretty blue eyes she was very down to earth and Zack liked her being there for him she would even go with Zack to watch the basketball games at times after he finish his soccer games he won.


Zack was heading down to talk to Greg but before he did Francine admitted her deep feelings for Zack and really wanted to be with him so she asked him out after she told her feelings and Zack hugged her and told her I be glad too go out with you so as they start dating they went out to deli sub stores and would walk home together. As the days went by Francine started to have money issues while in school she would do cam shows at the age of 23 year old and she would get very huge tips for her cam work she did she was very happy but never ever told Zack while he was playing soccer he would look for Francine but only would see Greg there for him he smiled at him as he was watching him play. Zack friend Jamie told him your girlfriend does cam shows? why you never tell me and Dan Zack..... He was shocked and thought they were kidding as he did see with his own blue eyes and freckled face she was and as she was doing it she was getting very close to the people who tip her to help her out. Francine money troubles did stop but she couldn't stop so Zack did rush into Francine place of that day his friend Jamie told him and Zack was very hurt that Francine never told him the truth that she was doing it as Zack would understood and been supportive of her choice but she choose to hid it from him by alot by not even telling him. Zack told Francine we are so threw if you are hiding things from me like this I don't know how I actually can even trust you to be with you! have a nice life with your cam life that you didn't tell me about. Zack walked out and never talked to her again she did apologize with gifts and threw messages so Zack mind he believed in 2nd chances and he did give her another one as he did she did still cam with Zack knowing and supporting her. Francine was glad he did so she was out shopping for herself one day as she was she was stalked by a stranger and with all the money she had made from camming was in her purse sense she did cash her checks from the site he ran off with her purse and just really was gone so with no money she asked Zack for money that he didn't have she even asked Izzie and Jackie for tons of huge amounts of money. Zack was angry she would beg his mothers for money she did tell Zack what happened even but it still hurt him she would think they had such overloads of money when they just had normal life. Francine broke up with Zack this time and it made it clear she didn't want his small dick or even him in her life she was bound to find another but she didn't she went down a very bad road..... Zack was at the basketball game sitting in the chairs thinking of what happened as tears did go down his face by alot and Greg sat by him and said your the guy who always come to

my games when I do play. He hands Zack tissues to clean his face and told Zack I'm here for you as he did extend his hand and Zack shook it and said his name as blushing up a storm. Zack smiles and says thanks for coming to my soccer games it always means alot to me that you come and with that Greg says you got them skills so of course I gotta see you Zack. Greg took off his glasses and helped him whip his tears away and smiled at Zack deeply as he did Zack hid his freckled face from Greg and said I'm sorry for being here I should go! Zack got up and was about to run off but Greg hugged him before he went off and Zack felt surprised and huge warmth from Greg body as he did he felt a huge heart feeling as he did hug him. Greg walked him home and gave Zack his number anytime he needed him and Zack let Greg meet his mom Izzie and Jackie as they meet him they felt a huge great warmth in there home so they welcomed him in and told him and Zack we were just getting a huge dinner ready would you like to join us Greg? Greg did smell the food and it smelled great he stayed with Zack and ate as he was eating Izzie said do you have girlfriend or a boyfriend right now? I'm not asking for me but just in general to have conversation. As she did say that Greg laughed and said No I am single as a whistle when you devote your life to basketball and getting good it can be ton on one self at times so I guess I haven't had time too do so. Zack was embarrassed by what his mom just asked and said MOM! come on now lets not ask that your embarrassing me! Jackie said oh sorry for just trying to get to know your nice friend you only bring over Jamie and Dan so it's nice to see a new face here. Izzie laughed up a storm as she held her mouth over her mouth and went to go get pie for everyone as

she did Greg said I don't mind any question so it's okay Zack. Zack was happy he was there and kept looking at him eat and how adorable he was in his blue eyes he would lick his lips and eat some of his pie but not all at how much he was gazing at him hard. Greg told Zack I enjoyed this time with you and the food and your lovely folks but I have to go home to get rest for the next game. Zack hugged him out of his seat and told him I will call you and I hope we can hang out again. Greg smiled and told him for sure we will see Zack. The next day came up and Zack had took a math test and passed it then had to go to his game he went to his game and had lost with the huge lost The Wolf's lost the trophy to The Dolphins so with that Zack was back in tears and sad as can be. He looked in the crowd and saw Greg there he was coming to help Zack off the soccer game sense they had lost the game he up lifted Zack with his words and after everyone had left he sat down and lifted Zack chin and kissed him deeply as he did Zack kissed back by a ton as he has been craving Greg for the longest time. Zack looks in his eyes and says your always there for me so much and it has warmed to repair my heart so much will you um um....... Greg says with a smile I love to go out with you Zack and have you by my side all the way. Greg took Zack to his place and he had meet his mom and dad and showed him room to where they laid in the bed and snuggled in bed naked they had sex and bonded even more deeper then before Zack loved Greg scent and his eyes and everything he had to offer so much he would get his ass pounded with lube by Greg and he cummed into Zack and Zack bite his lip loving it deeply and loving Greg. He kissed Greg tons after they made out Greg would suck Zack dick and when he did Zack

finally hard asf he cummed into Greg mouth and they spend the night with eachother and got really close and Zack purpose to Greg after he won the hugest game of his life and he made it romantic as possible he loved Greg so much that he had said yes and he picked up Zack and kissed him deeply as the wedding was on the way sooner or later. Zack mom Jackie and Izzie helped him get ready for his huge day after his wedding he would be a Junior him and Greg would be. They both won tons of games for The Wolf's and were both remembered as the couple that were both the champions. Zack turned 21 and with his birthday Greg helped him and loved him even more everyday he was always so full of joy around him. A bunch of girls would try to flirt with Greg after his game and he would turn them all down and tell them sorry ladies I am happily married to a lovely man but they still try to flirt with him he was headed to take a shower after practice and he saw this girl in the shower named Mindy she was this black hair girl and she was naked she spread her legs wanting Greg to see and would even moan loudly. Mindy wanted Greg badly and didn't care if he was married to Zack.... Zack was trying to find his husband after the game he checked the showers and over heard Mindy and Greg and Mindy tried to seduce him and he kept telling her to stop by a ton but she kept going and Zack stepped in and grabbed Greg hand and took him away from her. Mindy was trouble from the moment Zack blue eyes saw her she wanted to steal Greg away and Zack knew how loyal Greg was and when under sexual pressure he didn't crack one bit he loved Zack nerdy geeky side so much. While they were making sweet love Mindy decorated the wall of the basketball locker room with nude pics of her and her obsession for Greg on the

other guys lockers. Mindy was crazy for Greg she wanted him to himself so badly and wanted to hurt Zack so much and inflict pain in his life, Mindy was the popular crazy girl they did not wanna be around or even see while walking the halls in school she would leave notes in Zack locker telling him I'm have your dear sweet hubby fuck me and love me like you never ever could do she was being very hurtful as can be to him. Zack would tell the security guard and they took Mindy to the side and waited for her parents to come her parents came in and as they did Zack did see them he realized they were Francine parents he even hide and heard them says your gonna be so grounded Francine I do not know why you go by this Mindy but you are not her. Zack realized his ex girlfriend was really trying to break up his love life with Greg she was grounded and suspended for what she did. Zack told Greg that it was his ex fucked up girlfriend who last broke his heart and Greg got serious about it as she was a huge creeper at school. Zack would train soccer players and help them to be as great as he did for The Wolf's team as some of the players couldn't make it all the time due to there other life's. Zack would see Francine and she walked to Zack and told him I will have him whether you like it or not! she was naked and not surely not afraid to show her nudity to the public school as she said that Zack told her your so fucked up Francine you will never have him in your life like I do. She kicked Zack in the dick and as she did Zack fell to to in pain she squatted and told Zack the name now Mindy if you ever mention my dead name you will regret it even worse small dick fag. Greg was at home cleaning his parents house sense Zack just was being helped he had got the call that his husband had


been kicked really hard in his dick so he had been in the hospital recovering from Mindy vicious hard kicked to the dick. Zack doctor told him he has to recover from some crazy girl kicked him in the balls is what my report says he told him I will give you his medicine and let you take him home to help him get back to himself. He may have abit blood when he pees sometimes and you may have to carry him. Greg asked is he now disabled? The doctor said no but is not gonna be able to play soccer or go to school by alot so with that he has to do all his work and quiz at home when he is fully recovered he has to move carefully with every move he does. As Greg took Zack home he took care of Zack and as he opened his blue eyes he had saw Greg and wanted to hug him but felt a deep pain he had but it would go away as he would not move so much so Greg gave him dinner and would take care of Zack fully while Mindy was locked up for public nudity at school Greg pressed charges against her to make sure she never gets of prison. The next day Zack was able to move he peed no blood and his dick was alright to his balls were he was so happy to move around and it was all thanks to Greg and what he had done to him. Izzie and Jackie came to Greg house and brought them food to eat and was hoping Zack would be okay nows and he was back to himself he would cuddle Greg and be very afraid to go back to school or even play soccer. Greg told him she locked away and she won't be getting out for years to come my love so with that Zack smiled and deeply went into Greg arms as he was into his arms Greg offered Jackie and Izzie if they wanted to stay for dinner, they both stayed and had dinner with there son and his husband and Greg parents as they loved the food they enjoyed time with Jackie and

Darrel they became deep friends with a passion and would do stuff as great friends. Zack went back to college the next day and played a game and had a huge welcome back from the students he had known and the girls who would send him nudes he was very happy to be back and to play the game he had played great and they had won as he looked to the crowd Greg was there cheering him on after the game Zack would go hug and kiss Greg and they went on a date to a lovely seafood place to where they had there waitress named Mindy so Zack freaked out and this was a old lady who was named Mindy and it wasn't Mindy that he knew so Greg calmed him down and they ate there food and went home to find out Izzie and Jackie had bought them there own apartment to stay in and live with and they went there as they did they were happy moving there stuff in and staying with eachother.


Greg had to have a sit down with his love Zack and he just wanted him to know he gonna be there for him for a long time and Zack felt so much heart warmth in his aura and him being there for him threw life. Zack smelled abit and went to shower to only slip and fall with him doing so he was hurt again so Greg had to take him to the doctors again and he had to be rubbed with painful away cream on his back side. Greg took it and helped again with Zack and took care to feeding him to giving him water and drink to making him feel very great deeply. Zack wounds started to heal nicely and he would still feel it but not at alot of times so when he would always shower or bathe Greg would be there for him and if it meant missing a game to take care of Zack that would he would do. Zack would kiss Greg so much as it did make him feel like he was special about himself by a ton he would do so much for him to taking care of him


to really being there for them overtime they both flew there high school and graduated senior year and both great jobs. Zack worked as a soccer coach at a high school at the age 25 years old and Greg worked as a bank manger so they both had tons of  money and great life's. Zack would come bring Greg lunch to him at the bank and kiss him away in his office. Zack and Greg lived great lives and truly never heard from Mindy again she died from being stabbed by another girl who wanted her badly but didn't get her so she end up murdering her but no 1 did find out who the girl was in the prison as there were to many girls in that prison to even find out anything. Zack and Greg grew old together and died in eachother arms very happy and peacefully as can be they both were smiling and both were cremated and put under a beautiful tree as that tree blows around the high school. They were in love just as much in Heaven and still truly bonded and never left each other sides..... The End






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