brussel's Blogs

Photos Uploaded to GBT Question

brussel Blog Last Activity 1 week ago 613 views 2 comments

I submitted a photo gallery yesterday but it hasn't shown up on GBT yet. 
It was a bunch of captures from an armature video I have rights to and everyone in it is legal age and consents to it being shown.
Q1 - Does GBT reject photos for low quality?
Q2 - How long does GBT usually take to approve uploads before they appear?
Any help would be appreciated. - Brussel :-) 


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1 week ago

You may have noticed that the authoritative people here are struggling with a major video playback problem. That will probably be much more important than your Gallery! It doesn't hurt to read a bit of the 404-error-blog before posting problems...

1 week ago

Didn't even know a "404 Error blog" was a thing. Thank you for telling me about it.