Chopin Grand Polonaise Brillante Op.22 (Arthur Rubinstein)
denf Last Activity 3 years ago 135 views 1 comments Post Comment

My sense is that we could all use a little bit of sunshine. I hope you enjoy this piece. This is posted especially for Lucaswookie in Poland. 


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franbel123456 Last Activity 3 years ago 452 views 0 comments Post Comment

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Who's this guy? Anyone know what is going on here?
ZanyZander Last Activity 3 years ago 287 views 0 comments Post Comment

Who's this guy?     Anyone know what is going on here?


Billy's Hot Picks ***200*** - 5773049b7079d.jpg

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Sweet Pix
navyblues Last Activity 3 years ago 215 views 0 comments Post Comment

Hi - does anyone know how to download a group of picture files rather than one at a time?

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?????? ?????
serj Last Activity 2025 years ago 1.3K views 0 comments Post Comment

?????? ????? ???? ????????????? ??? ?????????

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how can I remove friend?
alonson33 Last Activity 13 years ago 791 views 2 comments Post Comment
can't find anywhere how to do it.thanks.
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cleaning up
Last Activity 13 years ago 1.6K views 2 comments Post Comment
how do you remove duplicate copies on your picture favorites?
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Tech help please.....
just4today Last Activity 12 years ago 757 views 4 comments Post Comment
I just bought a new Internet Tablet. But I can't play these videos on it or my phone. Both have Android versions 2.1.5 on phone and tablet has 2.1.1. I try the videos and it says need to install Adobe Flash Player. I click on it and it says device is not supported. Any way to play GBT vids on these devices? **Nick.....any ideas?**
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Wow! He is beautiful! I like how he has to turn his head back away from the camera in order to allow himself the best position to orgasm! :)
ZanyZander Last Activity 1 year ago 82 views 0 comments Post Comment

Wow!    He is beautiful!     I like how he had to turn his head and face back around straight as he looses control and has to orgasm and focus on ejaculating burning hot sperm and semen from his penis/erection and testicles!    SO beautiful and gorgeous!



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Uploading Vids
Last Activity 12 years ago 668 views 2 comments Post Comment
I have found that if you change the video format they will upload a lot faster and actually appear on this site. MPG format takes 3 beers and a dube to upload and never show up. WMV format seems to be the fastest. Cheers
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...what does it mean being `UNDERAGED´ ??!
Last Activity 12 years ago 606 views 0 comments Post Comment
Thank u very much Mr.Sm for this really important question (but may it´s not fair doing that on the Back of a named user...even sitting in ya `glashouse´yourself...) When we donot accept ourself here, others from outside will never accept our way of love...But u can sure this people are protesting with the loudest voices are knowing about the Boy_Beauty at all...In all societys even younger Boys get misused by mostly family-persons (Brother,Cousin.Father.Uncle)including araBian countries... When u not get misued sexuell I am sure you know others who have going through...if there are really possibilities to speak let it out...many felt very shamy & being wrong,thinking that have been their own mistake that happen this... The reality is like this...and the question is how to get that away from happening in the underground - from the darkness in the light...Loving Boys even younger mean never the same and what you may be thinking about iS YOUR OWN THAUGHTS about...and when it´s `Bad´ in ya own must not really `Bad´ done by the other... SEXUALiTY iS NOT REALLY LiBERAL AT ALL ESPECiALLY ANY KiND OF HOMO-SEXUALiTY !! The Big spagath between Judgements & Reality is the proBlem...Older mostly men(Politicals..) misused young people for that they dictate themthinking sexuality which orientation how ever start with 18 , 16 . 15 , 14 , 13 (Japan...)Children donot have this Lobby they have to have... (in nearly all Televisions you can see killing by murders...But seeing sex=criminal) Let me try saying that like this way: the most important question should not only be WHAT(?) I do - MUCH MORE HOW & WHY (my realmotivation) I acting so or even so... By the way:in `BarBados´ is this question no question at & for ALL...because EVERYONE accepting his next just the way he is...and also allowing just being himself...sounds so easy & simple at why shouldn´t we not START and each(!) sexuality is just sexuality AS A PART OF RESPECT-&HEARTFUL COMMUNiCATiON not more & not less...
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Want to chat
Acom039 Last Activity 12 years ago 553 views 1 comments Post Comment
Hi every one .I am acom .18 yrs .I am new here .Want to chat to guys of my age only ie 16 to 19
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jetlo Last Activity 12 years ago 986 views 4 comments Post Comment
how is it that the guys are so smooth?!?!?! no hair anywhere
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Last Activity 12 years ago 415 views 0 comments Post Comment
{My generation gave little thought to safe sex practices. We had unprotected sex, multiple partners, and sex with strangers. Because of this, many of us died...Protect Yourself, Use a Condom}. Gifts That Keep On Giving: ***AIDS***HERPES***SHINGLES***GONORRHEA***MORE***
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Where to start?
wideangle Last Activity 11 years ago 597 views 3 comments Post Comment
Hello everyone. I'm 45 years old, and apart from some under-the-desk wanking with a schoolfriend many years ago, I am still a virgin with guys. I'm bi I think, but gone off women over the past five years. Always liked young guys, watched a lot of gay porn! I want to meet a nice young guy locally for fun and more, as I'm not into casual sex, never have been. But how do I meet someone? I am on Gaydar, and my profile is honest that I have no experience, so I think that puts guys off maybe. I am quite desperate for some action, keep myself fit, but feel it may never happen. Any advice from anyone would be appreciated, or any guys in Devon/Cornwall/Cardiff, slim and smooth, please say hello. Thanks a lot.
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Where do all the videos and pics go?
Last Activity 11 years ago 483 views 2 comments Post Comment
I'm relatively new to this site. I know everyone complains about their videos not getting posted. But does anyone know why some videos make it and some don't? Is there any rhyme or reason? One video I attempted to post never made it to the site. Three days later I tried the same video again and this time it made it on the site. I have a lot I want to add, but it seems like only 10% of what I have attempted to post so far has made it. Should I go back and try to repost those all again? If there are guidelines anywhere here please let me know. Squirt ;p
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JulioFavo Last Activity 11 years ago 466 views 0 comments Post Comment < ---------o melhor blog gay do brasil, não é virus ou spam. entra la e curte um pouquinho. não esqueça de comentar, é sempre bom saber o que os leitores querem *----* < ---------o melhor blog gay do brasil, não é virus ou spam. entra la e curte um pouquinho. não esqueça de comentar, é sempre bom saber o que os leitores querem *----* < ---------o melhor blog gay do brasil, não é virus ou spam. entra la e curte um pouquinho. não esqueça de comentar, é sempre bom saber o que os leitores querem *----*
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dale felder's life story,written in many languages,english, german, russian, chinese, french, japanese,india,hindi,italian,
dalef Last Activity 11 years ago 494 views 1 comments Post Comment
dale felder's life story,written in many languages,english, german, russian, chinese, french, japanese,india,hindi,italian, hi friends im dale felder, im a author, designer, writer, photographer, and i live in sanfrancisco, california, you read my new photo books click the links here> hi friends my name is mr dale felder I live in san Francisco California, and this is my life story, I came here to San Francisco in 1979, but I was born in Kansas City mo., February 15,1957, today is the mouth of May 2012, so that makes me a 55 years old black man, so you do the math. ha ha and I know your probably riding high in the sky on a airplaine and reading my book just to pass the time away. Or maybe you're just sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop reading my book on your apple computer and your ebook. Or riding on a train with that little reading light on above your head and your just having a laid back quiet spiritrual moment with yourself our you good now? So let me tell you about my life's journey it starts in Kansas City mo, my mother and father met in the early 1950s and got married. My brother was born 1955, then me and my other brother came later 1957, then my mother had an enlarged weak heart and she died when I was two years old. And a day after my mother died my father marred the 18 year old girl who lived upstairs from us in the apartment building. so she became my step mother and she would baby sit me and my brothers when my mother was sick in the hospital. I never knew my real mother the sound of her voice her touch but never the less my dear sweet mother's life did have a purpose. and shortly after my mother's death my father used her life insurance policy to buy a two story house. now it's the year 1959 and were all living in this big and when his brother grows out of the shoes. and my father had to go bear footed to school all his child hood because they was to poor in the 1930s and he only went to the six grade because my father had to work in the cotton fields, water melon fields, he was used as child labor back in the 1930s and my fathers, father killed his mother and a black preacher and his wife took him and his brothers in their home and treated him bad. the south treated him bad all of his life and when he was 18 years old in the 1940s my father went to the army in Paris and Germany his job in the army was to unload the ships like tanks, guns, bombs, and the black men had the most deadliest job unloading the bombs from the ships. And when my father got out of the army he ended up in Kansas City, mo., how? I don't know he never told us but Kansas City, mo. must have been better than the south. because he got good job at a steel company in Kansas city where he became foreman and supervisor of that company and I remember in 1970 I was the 7th grade my father was in the hospital for about two weeks my step mother told us a steel wire went thru his chest in his lung. but I really think my father had to fire a man on the job and the man stabbed my father in the chest. but my step mother never took us to see him in the hospital but I didn't care at that time. But all I know is I had a nice vacation from getting a beat down by him. When my father got out of the hospital his mental state of mind had got worse my father's definitely had a mental problem he drank vodka on his days off from work and beat me or he beat my step mother. But all I know is that some body in my house was going get beat down by my father. Just for no reason at all or when he was having mental flash back about his jacked up life. my step mother would leave my father and go stay at her mothers house for about two weeks and our house would be real quiet and my father didn't beat no body the house whole time my step mother was gone. but after my father would be on the phone pleading to my step mother to come back so she came back and my father just be mean and agian and my father could'nt stop my step mother from having sex with other men. so my father put her in a mental ward at the hospital. where she stayed for about two weeks and i remember it was in the spring of 1970 i think i was about 13 years old. my whole family is in our big green station wagon and my uncle was sitting in the front seat with my father. and my father just driving along and talking to my uncle and my father was swirling, weaving the car in the street and driving crazy in the street and my father was trying to drive the car in the parking lot of the hospital but he could'nt get control of the steering wheel and my uncle had to grab the steering wheel and got in the drivers seat and finish driving in hospital emergency entrance and my nucle got my father in to the hospital and he layed him down on one of those flat hospital beds in the hall way. And the hospital people were buzzin around in the hall ways of the hospital and it was taken such a long time for some body to take care of my father. And while my father was lying on that flatbed his eyes were red and just staring up in the ceiling all glassy eyed and my father's head was raised up. And he was looking into all of our faces like it was the last time he was going to see us. And the look on his face was like he was afraid he was going to die. But I had mixed feeling what would my life be without my father? But my father didn't die he stayed in a mental ward of the hospital for about two week. And our house was nice and quiet while my father was gone. So we all went to the hospital to visit my father and he looks so pitiful with his head in his lap. So while my family was visiting with my father. I went walking around this big hospital just amusing myself and I saw a tray with a fresh jello and pudding cups on it. so I help myself to the goodies and since my father wasn't at home I could think to myself and it felt good and peaceful for a change in my life and as time went by I found out why my father had to go in the hospital. It was on my father's day off from his job, and my uncle and my father was experimenting with some kind of speed drugs and it had a bad reaction in my father's body so there now you know. and now I'm going to say this about my step mother she was a good mother and took good care of me and my brothers when we was sick because she was a nurse aid. and she tried to create a sense of normalcy in our home and on Christmas my step mother buys a green Christmas tree and HEY FRIENDS DO YOU WHAT TO READ MORE OS MY LIFE STORY? YOU GO TO THE LINK BELOW>
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