welcome to the freckled gallery
Hey guys!!! SO many friends lost during that last great purge. I'm NOT excepting new friend request at the moment. If you're returning, PLEASE let me know who YOU are so I can accept the request. If you POST to me, and I post back a few times, I like YOUR post.. I might be open to friending you. I just DO NOT collect friends I don't know on a daily or personal basis! I like to tailor my post to YOU and like the same in return is all. NO MASS POSTINGS! I don't like open buttholes or anything yuck, not much of a porn dude either. No Mega, and none of those TruBoy model crap, I don't like it. I love ART, B&W's, pretty things! (Peacocks from Shawn are considered "pretty things" LOL!) Thank you all for making my wall so beautiful!! "Friday Features" are BACK! So stay tuned and look for the tags!!! "Misha, Misha Studios and Genuine M.F." Hugs&Kisses-4-Ever, -Freckles xo