it looks like the so-called rent of a room for 1 hour for sex from a newspaper add with a TV in the corner with a porn channel. The owner set up a hidden webcam to record the activity in the room, possibly for security reasons, possibly due to his sexual fetish. This means that you have to be very careful when renting private accommodation in Russia, especially if you are a foreigner. It can also be used as an espionage tool to force you to become a member of the KGB network with this kind of compromised material. Who knows....
Does anyone have any information about these "russian hostel" series of videos that have been around for the last 10-15 years or so? I've seen maybe 6 videos of the series and they seem to be military recruits having gay sex. Being gay in Russia has never been accepted and certainly not in the military so I'm surprised at the "genuine" appearance of these videos, or they're not scripted or professionally filmed like other eastern European porn of the day. In some they appear to know they're being filmed and in others it appears completely amateur and like the camera is hidden. I can't find any information about them anywhere online. Hopefully someone here has more info?
I've seen maybe 6 videos of the series and they seem to be military recruits having gay sex. Being gay in Russia has never been accepted and certainly not in the military so I'm surprised at the "genuine" appearance of these videos, or they're not scripted or professionally filmed like other eastern European porn of the day. In some they appear to know they're being filmed and in others it appears completely amateur and like the camera is hidden. I can't find any information about them anywhere online. Hopefully someone here has more info?