@edin78 You're right about it being made just for the commercial ...
10 years ago
@zavran, it seems no one has a clue about the song in the background, its writer, its performer and even its title. I also read that it was made only for the purpose of this commercial. Don't know is it true...
It is very important, that there are such clearing-up films for people coming of age. But I am very very sad that we in our self pronounced cleared up society today such films have a need. Homosexuality should be regarded as, which is it: perfectly normally and a part of the normal world. Greetings Thomas
10 years ago
I was in the closet in middle school and high school, and I think very straight acting. But that didn't mean I didn't have at least some "gaydar", and some other boys' gaydar spotted me as well. Those awkward conversations, trying to figure out..."is he or isn't he...". I'm bi, so I probably can't really know what it's like being 100% gay. I had sex with a girl first time when I was 16, and lots of kids knew. (But gay guys sometimes, as you said, have girlfriends and have sex with them to.)
10 years ago
@Treyboy and @Scott888, I would agree with you guys, provided that the "straight" boy in the announcement is really straight. But how could gay boy know it for sure? Many gay boys pretend to be straight and act accordingly. They will dance with girls. Even have girl friends. Thus acting contrary to their true nature. Out of fear and shame for being gays. Sad but true. I know it because I was such a boy. I was pretending to be straight and had a couple of girl friends. But secretly I was yearning for and loving boys. Fortunately, things change for new generations. Slowly, but sure. Gay kids don't have to hide anymore. Mostly. @Scott888, the straight (we will suppose he is really straight) boy was not forced to do anything. He was just politely asked by the gay boy. :)
10 years ago
I agree that it would be awkward to ask a straight boy to dance. I'm not one for wanting or demanding guys who are not gay to be forced to do things like this with gay guys. (But if this cute kid WAS DANCING WITH ANOTHER BOY, and then the FOUR of them broke into a smiling, accepting conversation all together, now THAT would be nice.)
10 years ago
@CWG, Yes, but before that it says as I already wrote.
An important public message. Vital in normalizing homosexuality in the wider community. Although the wisdom of asking a straight boy to dance may be a bit questionable ! ;) I have immense admiration for gay teens fighting to take their same-sex partners to proms etc.
10 years ago
the movie says it all, if only people could be more understanding and tolerant especially towards the young who are trying to come to terms with there thoughts and feelings there would be much fewer teenage suicides.
10 years ago
It says, "You don't need to be so tough."
10 years ago
Does anybody know what the writing at the end translates to in English? I confess, I know no words in the Norwegian language.
I used to play it hundred times when I was a teenager, but never found out who's singing.
@Scott888, the straight (we will suppose he is really straight) boy was not forced to do anything. He was just politely asked by the gay boy. :)
google translate says: "gay youth phone we will be happy to answer"