Simplicity blog ends - the last 6 months - gay erotica/porn

Added: 1 month ago
90 photos

Simplicity blog ends - the last 6 months - gay erotica/porn
For months now, I have had a blog on GBT about simplicity and many people have made many fine contributions to it. I have to especially thank AnthonyMichaelLZ for almost single-handedly keeping it going. Earlier this month, no one contributed to the blog for a 19 day stretch and it was unceremoniously closed by GBT on the 20th day with no notice. I wish someone would post the rules around here or, at the very least, would have sent a missive to say it will be closed in, say, 5 days if you don't contribute. Anyway, the blog is still on, it's just no one can contribute to it anymore. So, as a way of making a permanent record of the many pics you all sent me in the last six months, I have made this post. I hope you all enjoy it and I hope it reaches many more people than the original blog did. And thanks again to all who contributed.
