Skin Tags
Last Activity 11 years ago 493 views 7 comments Post Comment
So, I've been seeing this guy for the past two years and we'll hook up pretty regularly and have sex. When we started I noticed he had what looked like warts around his anus, so I limited the things we do, so that I didn't catch anything. I never said anything about it because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. When I asked him recently, he said that he went to a doctor when they first appeared and the doctor told him they were just skin tags. He said that he gets tested regularly at the local GLBT center and is perfectly healthy. I'm not sure if I believe him or not. I'd like to be able to have oral sex with him and maybe forget about the condom, but I'm not looking to catch anything either. Does the skin tag explanation sound reasonable or like bullshit to you? All feedback is welcome.
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Hi stranger...
Baloo7 Last Activity 4 years ago 493 views 7 comments Post Comment

How can this video being so creepy and relaxing at the same time..?!

Do you guys think is it creepy, relaxing or both..?

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down load videos
victorlil Last Activity 8 years ago 493 views 11 comments Post Comment

since upgrading to windows 10 not able to save videos to my files as in the past. Anyone else with this issue. Fix?

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Open Message to Web-Cam Users
bardaghohio Last Activity 12 years ago 493 views 0 comments Post Comment
Or, to anyone making their own videos...on the very off-chance that someone here would want to make a video to share...these are just a few suggestions for making a successful, good, watchable video. The most important item, guys, is lighting: if we (your audience) cannot see what's going on, the video ain't gonna get high marks. Even if you're not going to show your face (understandable), you still need to have whatever it is you ARE going to show well-lit...otherwise, what's the point? Think about what you're going to do and what you're going to show...take a close look at where you're going to shoot your video and see what the lighting looks like. Take a practice video, just to make sure. Basically, the arrangement should be lights, camera, then you; if the lights are off to one side, then you can change the arrangement to camera, lights, and then you. You should *never* be between the camera and your lights, although you can certainly have additional lighting behind you; just make sure it's not too bright (again, take a practice video). If at all possible, have sound...especially if you're one of those wonderful guys who gets a little noisy when you're about to cum! Sound adds an incredible amount to any video. Try not to move the camera around too much, if at all. The best is to set the camera up in such a way that YOU can move around within the shot. That's not to say you should never pick up your camera during the video; a few close-up shots, or "detail" shots are fine...but, too much moving around will just make your viewers motion-sick! Now, if you're doing a j/o video, please, guys, either do it all the way to a climax, or, don't bother. "Teasing" videos are cruel and unusual punishment, especially if you're really cute! Last but not least, camera-angle. The absolute worst position for the camera is, unfortunately, THE most popular with the subscription-sites as well as with amateur video-makers: the guy is laying on his back, with the camera set low, between his legs, so all we can really see are his bouncing balls. Now, bouncing balls are lovely, but, that's NOT what we really want to see. It's not called the money-shot for nothing, guys....we want to see you cum! The absolute best angle is a three-quarter view, where your (hopefully) spurting cock is in clear view, and we can also see your tummy and chest, where all that lovely cum is gonna splatter...even better, if we can also see your face as you're shooting your load! Or, directly from the side, again allowing the viewer to see your cock and the "landing-zone"....Best of all, of course, is to have someone else taking the video, but, then, you'd probably be doing stuff with HIM and not making a video in the first place!!
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A post that i was trying to put on a friends wall
Last Activity 12 years ago 493 views 9 comments Post Comment
Hi guys, this is for all the guys on Alex17 page that have been supporting me through a rough time in my life. i want them to know why i've been having a couple of melt downs the last few weeks. Please be respectful if your going to post a comment. i don't need negative feed back.
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Important date for teens and 20 somethings
Alex17 Last Activity 12 years ago 493 views 2 comments Post Comment
Celebrate National GSA Day: January 25th, 2012 For decades, GSAs have been working to make their campuses safe places for all students regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Students who start and take part in these student groups are brave. They dare to create a dialogue to improve lives. We believe that courage deserves to be recognized, to be celebrated! Hey this is Ruslan again . This is am important day to students. So show your support and check it out. You guys like to look at them . So show it in some way :) We are only strong if we stick together . We are weak and nothing when we dont . Love ya Ruslan :)
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Last Activity 12 years ago 493 views 0 comments Post Comment
does anyone have i skype? Mine is: tykrello366...send a request i really wanna chat. ;D
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Last Activity 12 years ago 493 views 0 comments Post Comment
hey guy me and my bf are looking for someone to have a bit fun with in the bedroom we are looking for between 17 and 20 mast be verse smooth slim msg me on another note is it wrong of me to feel violated in a way ie i uploaded just a little vid of me for you as members to watch and enjoy but someone has downloaded it and put it on another site called if you read this and you are the pearson who did then you have spoiled it for everyone as i had many vids of myself and my bf ready to upload.......if you are the pearson take it off the site because i do fill violated many thanks john24
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Dutch Catholics leave the Church
Davey1965 Last Activity 11 years ago 493 views 6 comments Post Comment
Thousands of Dutch Catholics are researching how they can leave the church in protest at its opposition to gay marriage, according to the creator of a website aimed at helping them find the information. Tom Roes, whose website allows people to download the documents needed to leave the church, said traffic on had soared from about 10 visits a day to more than 10,000 after Pope Benedict's latest denunciation of gay marriage. "Of course it's not possible to be 'de-baptised' because a baptism is an event, but this way people can unsubscribe or de-register themselves as Catholics," Roes told Reuters. He said he did not know how many visitors to the site actually go ahead and leave the church. About 28 per cent of the population in the Netherlands is Catholic and 18 per cent is Protestant, while a much larger proportion - roughly 44 per cent - is not religious, according to official statistics. The country is famous for its liberal attitudes, for example to drugs and prostitution, and in April 2001 it was the first in the world to legalise same-sex marriages. In a Christmas address to Vatican officials, the pope signaled the he was ready to forge alliances with other religions against gay marriage, saying the family was threatened "to its foundations" by attempts to change its "true structure". Roes, a television director, said he left the church and set up his website partly because he was angry about the way the church downplayed or covered-up sexual abuse in Catholic orphanages, boarding schools and seminaries. A report by an independent commission published a year ago said there had been tens of thousands of victims of child sexual abuse in the Netherlands since 1945 and criticized the church's culture of silence. Ad Feedback - Reuters
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Plaisir matinal (Histoire vraie)
Last Activity 6 years ago 493 views 6 comments Post Comment

Il est encore trĂšs tĂŽt. Le jour se lĂšve Ă  peine. Le soleil commence Ă  pointer le bout de son nez. C'est sans aucun doute, une belle journĂ©e qui s'annonce. Je porte uniquement un boxer. Et, une fois de plus, j'ai une trique d'enfer. Du genre Ă  faire dresser le chapiteau, un jour d'Ă©tĂ©. Je prends mon cafĂ©, Je peux dĂ©jĂ  sentir ma mouille maculer mon bas-ventre. Incontestablement, ce matin, c'est la grande forme. J'ai envie de me branler. Et pas seulement. J'ai une envie de fraĂźcheur, Une petite pulsion matinale. Une de celles, qui me donne envie de me caresser Ă  l'extĂ©rieur. Ni une, ni deux. Je dĂ©cide de me mettre Ă  la fenĂȘtre donnant sur la route. Les volets sont fermĂ©s. Il est encore assez tĂŽt, pour que la rue soit relativement tranquille. Hormis quelques automobilistes. Je monte sur le rebord. Regarde Ă  droite, puis Ă  gauche. Je sors ma bite fiĂšrement dressĂ©e de mon boxer. Écarte lĂ©gĂšrement mes volets coulissants. Et dĂ©marre ma branle matinal. J'aime sentir une brise lĂ©gĂšre caresser ma queue et mon gland. Mais, ce que j'apprĂ©cie le plus dans ce moment-lĂ , et de pouvoir utiliser mes volets, pour astiquer mon manche. Je referme suffisamment ceux-ci, me permettant de lĂącher ma verge de ma main droite, tout en continuant ma sĂ©ance de masturbation. Je dois dire que cela, m'excite au plus haut point. De savoir que ma bite dĂ©passe ainsi, de mes volets, Ă  l'extĂ©rieur de la maison. Et qu'un regard involontaire, vers la fenĂȘtre du deuxiĂšme Ă©tage de celle-ci, peut offrir Ă  un automobiliste, un passant, voir un voisin un peu Ă©loignĂ©, une jolie vue sur ce membre en Ă©rection, qui dans un rythme soutenu et rĂ©gulier, va et vient entre ces volets. Impossible pour moi, de pouvoir tenir bien longtemps dans une telle situation. Pris par l'excitation. Je peux dĂ©jĂ  sentir la jouissance monter le long de ma tige bien raide, exposĂ©e Ă  la fenĂȘtre de mon salon. Mes couilles balancent de plus en plus vite. Ma queue bien serrĂ©e entre ces deux grands morceaux de bois. Je m'accroche Ă  l'aide de mes doigts entre les ouvertures des volets. Le bruit de plus en plus rapide, et fort que font ceux-ci, au contacte de ma verge, et de mes intenses va et vient, commence Ă  trahir un peu, de mon activitĂ© physique. Je peux voir une voiture passer, et s'arrĂȘter le long de la route, pour se garer, un peu plus loin. Un mec descend, et longe le trottoir. Mais, je ne peux tenir davantage. Je ferme les yeux, laissant Ă©chapper un rĂąle de plaisir, suivit d'une sĂ©rie de jets de sperme. Je peux entendre ceux-ci attirent sur le sol de l'entrĂ©e de la maison, un Ă©tage plus bas, sur les dalles. Je retire mon sexe rapidement, penchant ma tĂȘte sur la droite, voyant la personne arriver sur le pas de la porte, le regard porter en direction de ma fenĂȘtre. Il s'agit de mon voisin. Qui au passage a sans aucun doute marchĂ©, dans ma semence. Je referme la fenĂȘtre. Je suis satisfait. Mes couilles sont vidĂ©es pour ce matin. Et de quelle façon. Je peux finir mon cafĂ©, avant de commencer ma journĂ©e.

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eric97 Last Activity 9 years ago 493 views 16 comments Post Comment
<p>Long time lurker who decided to join and see what's up. Everyone seems really nice!</p> <p>About me: Northeast US, Love tech theater (esp lighting), and I love guys!</p>
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laafje12345 Last Activity 10 years ago 493 views 2 comments Post Comment
<p>Each day I'm getting more and more friends on gbt, and I love it !</p> <p>And I like to talk to all of you in person.</p> <p>So don't be shy and keep me sending messages on my wall or in private, I will anwser all of them !</p> <p>
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Availibile now to chat, under 19's only!!
Last Activity 12 years ago 493 views 0 comments Post Comment
Hi, i would like to find someone to chat with aged 19 or under, please email or add me on msn at!!
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Lost video clip
Solwayboy Last Activity 10 years ago 493 views 1 comments Post Comment
<p>I watched a video clip today. It had 2 young twink boys in briefs.They BB fucked and one cum up the other . It was very erotic and I thought I had saved it. It appears not to be the case. The guy posting was called something like Maddtrader. Has anyone heard of him and could they send me a like to his videos.</p>
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Does anyone remember in the day when you could go to a theater and see a porno? ( yes I'm talking to you older guys before the internet)
Last Activity 11 years ago 493 views 11 comments Post Comment
I remember going to the TIVOLI theater in St. Louis Missouri way back in the late 60s to see a John Holms porno in 3D. Yes thats what I said 3D. The acting was soooooo hilarious. That was the fun of old porno then. They were as much a comedy as a sex film. But when Old Johnny turned toward the audence with that big old dick of his pointing straight out I swear the first three rows ducked! And when he shot his load right at the camera everyone jumped it was great! Does anyone remember the name of the film?
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Uploading Avatar Step-By-Step w/ pictures
Last Activity 11 years ago 493 views 0 comments Post Comment
Image with steps -> (1) Go to (No registration required) (2) Click "Choose File" (3) Select image you want (4) Click "Continue" button (5) Click on drop down box, select "Custom Size..." (6) Change width & height amount from "Percent" to "Pixels" (7) Set width for "100" & height for "120" (the required size for GBT avatar) (8) You can choose a special effect, or skip it (9) Then click "I'm Done, Resize My Picture" (10) Click "Save To Disk" * the image will be saved in "downloads" folder" * (11) Click "Edit Profile" link at the top of your page (12) Click "Profile Picture" tab (13) Click "Choose File" button & select saved image (in downloads folder) (14) Finally click "Upload" and your done!
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Porn Vids
Last Activity 11 years ago 493 views 0 comments Post Comment
can we get more brandon marley videos on here please...or can someone suggest a good site to find them on, its just they are so fucking hot! check out blondie gets blown, and intergenerational...they are the vids he makes :)
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is it normal?
Last Activity 12 years ago 493 views 5 comments Post Comment
I'm told I'm 26 by the years and time passed by just like any other of us. But I don't feel like I am. I still feel 16 or 17. at time my injuries I adapted to makes me my body feel 80 yo. But my mind & heart feel younger always.
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Last Activity 11 years ago 493 views 6 comments Post Comment
Wo bleiben meine ganzen Videos die ich hier hochlade?? Habe so viele videos hochgeladen und keine sind davon sichtbar. Wahrscheinlich irgendwo im Reich des Internets verschwunden. Schade um die ganze Arbeit und Zeit!
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