A life of sex
Last Activity 5 years ago 394 views 4 comments Post Comment

Just updated my profile with this, in case anyone is interested. Msg with your thoughts, comments:

When I was a little kid around 4 5 6 I used to spend a lot of time with my uncle who is 6 years older than me, and lived nearby. I was a bit shy at school so I liked being with him. When we went playing in the local park, running around shirtless, I knew I liked looking at him. Fresh faced, smooth complexion and hairless body. And I loved to smell the sweat from his body. But I didn't understand why I liked it. When I was 12 going on 13 a boy same age at school sat next to me in class and this one day our hands touched, and lingered, and I didn't know what was happening, but I was excited to not move away. He wanted us to go to the toilets after the lesson, we went in a cubicle, and we kissed. I'd never imagined kissing a boy could really happen, and I don't know to this day why he thought I would like it. He unzipped me and put his hand in my trousers, and encouraged me to follow, I can still remember the first feel of his sweaty hard cock when I took it out, I was so excited. He must have known more than me, but not much more, because we didn't know how to have orgasms. We sucked each other. And then he wanted to try pissing in each other's mouths and then spitting it down the toilet. I wasn't sure but I wanted the excitement to continue, I didn't want him to think I wasn't keen. So we tried it. I love drinking piss still, because of those days. The hottest thing we did, to me, was when we pissed in each other's mouths and then kissed to swap and swallow it. It was so delicious, so sensual, tasting each other's mixed piss as we kissed and held each other, in our school shirts and ties, our hard piss-dripping cocks also touching. We met in the toilets a few times but we got more daring. We would sit at the back of class, and then drop something on the floor. Bend down to pick it up, and take a mouthful of cock while we were down there, while the lesson went on. I still love exhibitionism and voyeurism now. The ultimate was one day we did this, and as I went down on him he held my head over him and pissed a full load into my mouth. I couldn't come up or he'd have pissed everywhere so he held me until he'd finished and I had no choice but to swallow it all. I was worried the teacher would see I'd been down there a while. He came to my place one day and when Mum was out we kissed and sucked on my bed. But it was our last time. He had asked me to come to his place the next week and I chickened out, so he never asked me again. It's one of my big regrets in life. He knew this stuff, how did he know? If I'd gone, maybe I would have found out. Maybe I'd have learned more. As it is I guess he found other willing boys. So that made me sad. 

A year or so later, I had learned how to masturbate, and was cumming several times a day, in school toilets and at home, but also used to go to some public toilets between school and the bus stop. Loads of graffiti on the walls telling what guys had done, one said he wanked over his sister's toast when she was away and watched her eat it. I used to read and wank. One day a note came under the door saying "can I suck your cock?" I was excited but nervous. Someone must be watching but I couldn't see where, how. I ignored it, but then the guy asked through the door. I said no, I was scared, so he went away. Regret number 2. Wish I'd let him in, let him suck me, showed me how to suck him, maybe taken me to meet his friends, or other boys. 

We had my step-brother come to live with us when I was 16, he was some 5 years younger than me, blond, tanned easily, hairless body, typical moody teenager who needed a friend. I was sexually attracted to him but no way I would let him know, I wanked thinking of him, but actually he annoyed me so we didn't get on. But I knew he was borrowing my porn mags. And i had some gay ones. A few years later it turned out he got in trouble for pimping himself to older men in toilets for cash. Regret number 3.

After I left school I spent 15 years getting as much pussy as possible. From gfs to random hookups, a chance encounter flirting over the phone with a woman in another office who I'd never met, turned out she likes threesomes, and he has to put up with it, so we met several times. But it led me into that world, and I met loads of mf couples, through contact mags, driving all over. In all, the guy was straight. But I saw lots of cocks. I was 30 when I used the small ads to find a cock to suck, my first man cock.  I'd never stopped wanking at gay porn, just not been brave enough to try it for real, and I was getting plenty of sex anyway. I took his load in my mouth and I was hooked. I didn't completely leave pussy behind but I went crazy for cock. Over the 20 years that followed I made up for lost time. All random.  There were a load of guys who used to go from one to another of about 6 public toilets on a weekend, and suck and fuck there, and in parks, I loved it. I went to London every Saturday, to all the saunas, staying the whole night, sucking dozens of cocks, fucking, and eventually knew I needed to try getting fucked, so there were no barriers to the fun I could have with my body, so I let a big black man take me, and told him to ignore my protests til he was satisfied. He started so gentle, afterwards I couldn't move for an hour, wrecked, delirious. I went to sleazy cruise bars, one specialising in piss, but still not as good an experience as my first. And I found a young Indonesian rent boy who had a flat in London (I worked there by now but lived 50 miles away) so occasionally I'd pay to fuck him, so sweet, so hot, petite and boyish but in fact 20s and very clever. But I also used to hire his spare room for £10 a time so I could take guys I met on all the sites - Gaydar, Adam4Adam, DudesNude, I had about 20 profiles. In my 40s by now, I had at least one guy every day, sometimes groups, house parties. Youngest I ever met was in toilets near my home, he was 15, cute, excitable, we met lots over the next year. He came too quick so I had to learn how to prolong his pleasure. 

I have a type, I like Asian, Black, Latin, Arab, and I like smooth hairless young whites. When the Internet was new I loved all the free porn. One thing led to another and through AOL groups I discovered a certain type of porn. I had stacks of it. But it worried me, especially some stuff, all clearly in distress. So I trashed it and got out. Years later I joined GBT just for a wank. But then I noticed lots of guys with under 18 avatars,and worked out what that means. Those guys will know the names of all the boys in my banner. Amazing what you can find if you know where to look. 

There, you have my sexual life, 40 years. I am addicted to sex, which is often the case with true bisexuals - barriers are broken down and more is acceptable, no barrier between sex or age or activity, but I still have a moral code, a decent upbringing, which keeps me right from wrong. 

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Wonder if that is before, during or after the game?
Last Activity 9 years ago 394 views 7 comments Post Comment
<img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="http://i.imgur.com/0rB02nX.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="289" />
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Please Tell Me The Secret
lukemogdalani Last Activity 5 years ago 394 views 6 comments Post Comment

Good morning from the forested mists of Washington. I trust everyone had an enjoyable night and for those of you on UK time, I hope you have an enjoyable night. Adding a nice tumble with a delicious man in the bed wouldn't hurt either. Hopefully they enjoy a cuddle afterwards. :-) The reason I am writing yet another blog, other then that I have the luxury of the time, is that I MUST know the secret to acquiring all of these various and sundried beauties to share with the GBT community. 

Where do you go to find the pics? Are there various sites that exist where you can download them? Do you keep up with blogs and websites from the denizens of the internet that live somewhere that boys still wear speedo's and have a great camera? I am fussing about this a bit because, how can I give back to the community for all the marvelous "shares" that people are posting here? Well, I keep hoping that some kind soul will take an old man under his wing and tutor me. I will try to make it worth your while, sadly however, I don't have much of anything to entice anyone with. 

Along to other completely unrelated thoughts. I have been considering a move and change of career venue. The simplified version is that I have the choice of 3 places where the opportunities exist and housing is affordable. The first is Birmingham, Alabama. Certainly a 180 degree change from Washington. Sub-tropical warm climate, four schools or universities looking for teaching fodder to feed the machine and beautiful houses for very little money. The second possibility is in Jackson, Mississippi. Still warm Sub-tropical weather, lots of nice rivers and 1 or 2 institutions of higher learning looking for help. Also, the housing is fantastically cheap. The third possibility lies in changing things quite radically and going to work for the Jeff Bezos cult in Seattle. Same climate as here, wet and cool, cost of living; similar to California, as in through the roof! Zero affordable housing unless I am willing to buy land in Olympia, Washington and suffer the fires of commute hell. That was the reason I left the Bay Area of California in the first place. I was tired of sitting in three hours of traffic each way to work an eight hour day. So, that one is probably slimmest. On the upside though, Seattle is full of gorgeous boys willing to take on a gently used "daddy" type. 

Moving here was a big deal. Now that I have done it once and learned from all the mistakes I made on THIS hop I have been doing much more research while never leaving the comfort of my couch, or bed, depending on what time of day it is. Quality of life factors are super important. For example, when I bought this lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath on a quarter of an acre in an idyllic small town I had NO idea whatsoever that I was moving into the bastion of the Old Apostolic Lutheran Church. Sort of like the Latter Day Saints in Utah, this church is huge here. They own most of the land, they own most of the large employers (highway construction, plumbing, contractors, electricians, retail stores, rental property, producers of electrical panels and sub-assemblies etc.) If you belong to the church, then finding a job is easy, heck you don't even have to find it, they will just hand it to you! (my such a rant) My point being I never would have bought this place had I known that. So, any future hops, I gotta take things like that into serious consideration. Current property values in the area I am re-locating to, and whether they are likely to remain the same, go up or go down. Personally, I think the whole economy will soon be feeling really wobbly on its legs again. Sure, it all looks good now, but we are only one sub-prime loan scam away from the whole thing falling apart all over again. The 2008 debacle really screwed me over big time. I had two homes in the nearly impossible to own real estate state in Northern California and lost them both. The ironic thing was I hung on F O R E V E R and if I had been able to hang on three little months more I would have been over the hump. Housing prices sky rocketed right back up three months after I sold both homes at a staggering loss. (oh my, what a pity party...okay, moving right along...)

So, here it comes guys, yet another request. Has anyone here had any experience living in the cities and states mentioned? I would LUV LUV LUV your thoughts, insights, ideas whatever...into what it's like to live there in general, and for gay men in particular. I can't see Alabama or Mississippi as being particularly progressive, but lots of the things I read on the internet about the "New South" give me hope. Basically anything you, or your friends might know about local living would be most welcome and deeply appreciated. 

As always, thanks for reading (although I can't imagine why you would waste your time) but hey; you don't receive if you don't ask!!

~~~Luke ;-)

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Problem playing favourites
Ispankuboy Last Activity 1 month ago 394 views 3 comments Post Comment

None of my favourite videos play?.

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Sex Story #2
SexyChris94 Last Activity 11 years ago 394 views 2 comments Post Comment
Ok...I am going completely out of order with my stories...but this one happened to me last night and I gotta tell it. So last night...I decided to go to one of the local gloryholes here in Raleigh...no real action was going on (prob. cause of the rain)....but then I saw that this couple went in a booth and I went in the one next to it. I listened in a bunch of times to hear them going at it. It was so hot lol..wish I knew who it was. Anyways, so I went back to looking at other guys and then this white guy came in. I didn't really notice him at first and went to mess around with a black guy (worse guy ever...couldn't even take my dick). Then I went in a booth to relax for a minute and then the white guy is peeping down at me and one thing led to another and he sucked me and I fucked him (bareback ;))...and for the first time ever...I was able to cum inside someone. :D Happiest Night ever!!! I think I am growing up real fast...but at least I know my favorite position now....lol. Ok...I will try to go in some order next time with my stories.
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merry christmas
welshlad Last Activity 11 years ago 394 views 1 comments Post Comment
want to wish everyone a merry xmas and a happy new year.hope that sant brings u something nice from his big sacks :)
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Last Activity 7 years ago 394 views 8 comments Post Comment


I created a profile for this site recently after lurking here for many years. And I mean many years, probably around 10 or so. I have always enjoyed getting off on the videos and pictures posted here, but I never explored the site in depth until not too long ago. Reading through everyone's blog posts and comments I can tell that you're a tight knit and supportive bunch. I hope for the opportunity to bond with many of you over our mutual love for cock. Don't hesitate to reach out to me, I'm a sociable person and love to engage in idle banter.

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Last Activity 12 years ago 394 views 0 comments Post Comment
hey guys i wanted to see if anyone wanted to jkam on msn. we could be friends and have some fun at the same time ! my msn address is wannaman@live.com
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Porn saved me
ArtificialAndroid Last Activity 5 years ago 394 views 4 comments Post Comment

i read a lot about the so called damaging effects of porn, all those religious funded websites which preach “no fap” All the stories of young men addicted to porn and how it has destroyed their lives (althought I would argue they are addicted to orgasms-isn’t everyone?) But for me, I thank my lucky stars everyday for porn, it saved me.

I hated what I was, cursed my fate, blamed the gods for this affliction, but then, along came broadband, and with it a world of beauty, sexuality and Excitement,I suppose younger people have no clue what I’m talking about, this is how it has always been for them

I’m grateful everyday for this resource, it cured my depression, my loneliness and my frustration.

Porn Saved me.

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First Pictures taken with the New Camera
handy56 Last Activity 8 years ago 394 views 3 comments Post Comment

Put my new camera to work for some Classic Portrait's.

I took the pictures in RAW and later converted them to Jpg, at the lowest  compression.

My friend how asked me to take the pictures was very surprised at the Quality of the Jpg's


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Last Activity 8 years ago 394 views 10 comments Post Comment


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to me wall postin buddies on world autism awarness day
Last Activity 12 years ago 394 views 1 comments Post Comment
guys, i got tears of never known happiness right now seein the posts below. i mean for real ive known people hard as it is times for me to do it, but none like all you. i wish i could hug you all in rw but it dont matter that i cant cos i can tell you are so good hearted with kindness and im grateful so grateful. i had some frustration the last few days but i tell you that what you written has changed me heart and made me feel so so so good inside and way diff than when i came up to the roost at about 830 so tired cos all our tennies are back and they just pile up things for me to do and thats ok, but i was real tired and also a little sad. but i set me alarm to get up to refix page and change avatar ~original billybuddy is back to stay for good cos thats how you first knew me right~ so now, im like changed and feel like movie pal billy elliot when they ask him how it feels to dance and he says 'dunno its like electricity inside of me' you all given me that spark and now i want to work so hard to be better and better. its like a workout for me brain and it gets tired sometime but now its like i just take a deep breath and keep on with you like billys teacher in the film 'go billy go'. all i can say is thank you from deep in heart and soul. you give real spirit to 'when the power of love overcomes the love of power~ the world will know peace.' well, im just one queerboy on the planet and im sure sometime it will feel like i am still on the wrong one. but~ with you all as buddies, after i do some page fixup i am goin back to sleep and i know right now it will be good and peaceful cos i feel your real and true friendship!!!!! im over the moon and have a calm in me no medicine can make, thanks to you guys. hugs, kisses and real buddy love from me to you each and every one of you ~billy
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The party is over!
ZachOLicious Last Activity 4 years ago 394 views 2 comments Post Comment

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My 1st time story Part 2
daveyboi Last Activity 4 years ago 394 views 6 comments Post Comment

It's been a week affter my first sexual encounter with Peter. Besides solo jerking off sessions havent done anythin sexual together.

But we kind of both know that we want to try more. I did owed Peter a favour anyway. We spend most of our summer that year outdoors so there wasn't so manny opportunities for us to be alone. It changed one day after he returned home from his family vacation. He came to me for a visit and we both wanted to go straight to my room, after all I finnaly had the house for myself that weekend.

When we came to my room he already took his shirt off and I noticed a nice bulge in his jeanse shorts and a wide smile on his face. I unzipped his shorts and got on my knees and pulled his hard cock out of the fly and started sucking him firmly. We both enjoyed it but he eventualy said "Hey Davey I realy wanted to try, you know."

I got up and start to undo my shirt and he pulled off my shorts and boxers.He came arround my back, dropped on his knees and start licking my hole.

"Where did you learn that?" I asked him. "Well I do watch porn you know" Peter said with his thoung in my ass.

I really enjoyed the new feelings. After about 10 minutes he pushed me slowly towards my desk and told me to bed over. He then slowly started to explore my ass with his finger, then two fingers, three. After I got used to it he inserted his hard, uncut cock head. Its been very intense fealing and I tried to relax. He pushed firmly and soon he was all in. We both started to moan loudly, and he started to trust faster and harder. I loved the feeling when he rubbed my prostate with his hard cock and then he put his hands infront of my and started to jacking my hard cock while fucking me.

I didn't last long and I start to shoot my cum allover my desk. "Im gonna cumm to" he sqeeled and pulled his cock out, stroking it and shooting on my back. We both felt so delighted and happy, sticky and swetty. So we hit the shower (together) and spend the rest of the day watching porn and stroke eachother few times until it was time for Peter to go home.

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♥ ♥ ♥
LittleDevil Last Activity 8 years ago 394 views 1 comments Post Comment

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Last Activity 5 years ago 394 views 7 comments Post Comment

Anyone know the average approval / rejection for uploaded videos?
I'd really like to link my videos from here to my tumblr..


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Blast off
Last Activity 9 years ago 394 views 3 comments Post Comment
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/7geahce.gif" alt="" width="300" height="208" />
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wrestleboys sbp 4 2
kevinwrest Last Activity 6 years ago 394 views 0 comments Post Comment

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